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Name: Nathan L/N a.k.a Jet Jaguar

Nickname: Nate, Natey, Jet Jaguar

Age: 18

Likes: the zodiacs, his harem, his parents, Godzilla(eventually), King Kong, Mothra, MechaGodzilla, protecting other, the titans/kaijus(eventually)

Dislikes: the past sometimes, seeing his friends and family get hurt, Demons, Godzilla(at first), the titans/kaijus(at first), King Ghidorah, Destoroyah,

Personality: (before in his past) kind, caring, understanding, smart, depressed, unenthusiastic, (after) kind, caring, understanding, enthusiastic, smart, funny, (when very angry) aggressive, merciless, vengeful,

A new recruit named Nate joined the team not too long ago, he met the zodiacs at high school during his senior years he got along with them pretty well. He was dubbed the first human to ever join the zodiacs.
At first it was a bit rocky, he was always so down & unenthusiastic about stuff. The reason for that was because in his past, at a young age, he lost his father at a young age, though he still remembers him, and his mother left him because of work, which he didn't know where she worked at because she never told him even if he asked about it.His mother & his family always tells Nate that he died in a car crash, but he believes that there's something greater that his mom is keeping a secret from him.
He was depressed from it ever since, and the topic of his parents was a pretty sensitive one to him. How sensitive? Some bullies thought it was a good idea to pick on him about his parents. It did not end well for the bullies because they got beaten so badly by Nate, nobody ever picked on him ever since.
When the zodiacs found out about this, they tried to help Nate but after an incident happened when the demon attacked the temple, Nate wasn't going to let his friends die so with enough courage of himself, He was granted these powers that increased his speed, strength, & agility, it also gave him an advanced suit And soon he was now known as Jet Jaguar.
With the lessons that he was taught from the zodiacs he soon helped the zodiacs and together they took down the demon. Now Nate was more happy and more enthusiastic about training and going outside. Sure he still missed his family sometimes but as long as his friends were right beside him, he never felt so alive or so connected.😉😏

Regular: it can be anything

Zodiac clothing:

Jet Jaguar suit: (He's sort of, some-what like a Power Ranger where the suit is his powers

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Jet Jaguar suit:
(He's sort of, some-what like a Power Ranger where the suit is his powers. I guess I haven't seen Power Rangers.)

The Mech that he will soon operates in

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The Mech that he will soon operates in.

The Mech that he will soon operates in

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