No More Running

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Talia couldn't keep her grin off her face. Of all the awful things that brought Matt to her, such a wonderful thing came of it. Matt had told her he loved her too, she was ecstatic at the thought of a full relationship with Matt, her energy was irradiating with it.

Matt's perception certainly didn't miss her sheer joy she was trying to keep bridled. Forcing her smile to downgrade but soon forgetting, she repeated the process for the entire way up to the office, her cheeks heating every time she seemed to look at him. Matt's face would light up every time she did this. He was so in love with her, her innocent heart was one of the many things he was in awe of. She was a lot that he wasn't, but also a lot that he was too. He wanted to keep her safe from the bad that he held inside, but he was not sure how he would do it. For the moment, he would enjoy her, enjoy this, but he knew that this kind of worry for her would keep him awake at the small window of time he would sleep. He turned his attention back to her again, and for a moment, his worries left him, every single one, a bliss washed over him, one he hadn't felt in what seemed like years.

Just a few steps from their office entrance, Foggy broke the two of them from their thoughts of each other with an uneasy beginning, "There's something I forgot to tell you. I was coming down to go and find the two of you, at least Talia because, well..."

Matt finished slowly with a turn of head in concern, the bliss slipping away so horribly quick. A man stood inside their office, one Matt was unfamiliar with. The stance and style of a stature, but his foot tapped and his teeth grinded with his furrowed brow and biting lip. His natural scent beneath the light cologne felt eerily familiar and Matt confirmed his suspicion aloud, "Your brother is here."

Talia hardly registered Matt's words, standing frozen for long enough that he said her name twice. "My brother. Great."

Talia took her steps toward the door but paused, collecting herself, breathing in and out. She felt Matt's hand grasp hers and squeeze it reassuringly, thanking him with a nod that he returned. She halfway smiled to Foggy over her shoulder, and Foggy opened the door and the two followed suit.

"Hi Rome," Talia addressed the older sibling, who quickly turned to see her.

His expression was difficult to read at first, his brow furrowed and his jaw clenched, his eyes were a mystery, despite their being identical to her own. "What the hell happened to you?"

"I got arrested for dad's murder."

He looked maybe, frustrated, was it? She wasn't on her best game, still in shock of seeing her brother after so long, the last time in a nightmare. "Yeah, I know that, but-"

"Oh, this," she realized at his looks at the cuts and bruises that ranged across her visible skin, her hands moving to cover the ones on her arms, "Yeah, long story. Matt and I-"

"Matt?" He questioned, completely either ignoring the owner of the name or just too focused on his sister to notice.

"Yeah, Matt Murdock, remember the guy from law school? Yeah he and his partner represented me. So Matt was walking me home and, well, stuff happened."

She finally deciphered some hint of his expression. Worry, perhaps? "You're okay, right?"

"Like you care so much," she muttered under her breath. She didn't know what she expected from it, but her brother's absence for so long let her grow apathy towards him.

"Of course I care!" He exclaimed, the frustration she had guessed previously showing through. "You're my sister and you look like you've been through a blender!" He took a step towards his younger sister.

Talia leaned back away from him into Matt, lightly grabbing his wrist for security. "It's not that bad," she dismissed.

"Talia, who did this?" Rome questioned, more sad than angry.

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