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Woman opens the door and her face lights up recognizing detective. Yibo greets her and comes in, placing bags on the table

"here is some products for you aunt. so you can eat well and stay healthy" he tries to smile and looks around, feeling uneasy

"sit down dear please. sorry to ask right away there something new about my son?"

"I feel really ashamed and useless. I messed it all up aunt, I'm not even worth to be called policeman anymore"

"don't say that" she holds Yibo's hands and pets his hair "almost all your colleague treated me like burden and didn't even listen to me. at least you really care"

"can I check his room? maybe there is something you didn't notice. every little detail can help"

"sure go on. I'll cook for you before you're done"

"alright" Yibo nods and gets into Chen's tiny room. you can't find even little dust and Yibo knows how caring and loving his mom is. there is no computer games, movies or anything entertaining, just books. Yibo sits down and takes only picture, as happy memories hunts him. Standing between his parents Chen looks so happy, bright and carefree. Feeling thickness of the frame, Yibo opens it and finds short letter.

"Your death felt like I got my wings broken dad. I need to be strong, to take care of mom but I don't know where to find enough strength. No matter how hard it's, no matter how much it hurts...I'll make mom proud, I'll be amazing person like you" Yibo wipes his tears away and whispers "who knows what are you going through now Chen, who is crushing your dreams now"

detective puts picture down and moves to his bed. being aware where people usually hide things, he lifts mattress up and starts searching. after few seconds his hands touches something and Yibo quickly puts Clubcard into his pocket as he is called. Chen's mother signs him to sit down with sweet smile and detective washes hands, joining her at the table

"it's been long since I cooked for someone, enjoy it dear"

"thank you so much aunt, smells so delicious" Yibo takes bite and tries to not look at her, guessing woman is crying "you remind me my mom and Chen reminds me myself. I really want to bring him back to home, I'll try my best"

"could you find something? what do you think detective, is my son still alive?"

"no bad news is already good news aunt. maybe he..."

"maybe he is doing something illegal? can I admit? some mothers say that they better see their child dead, than them being criminal but...I'm not that strong detective. I just want him alive, I'm ready to sell my soul just to see him alive"

"once I was blinded by love to the point, I was ready to forgive any crime. when even detective says this, who has right to blame mother? it doesn't matter what he is doing now, I have to bring Chen back alive"

"thank you so much for sharing dinner with me, this made me feel hopeful again"

"I'll take my leave now" Yibo gets up and gently pats on her arm "I'll inform you as soon as there is something new. have a good rest and eat well, so Chen will be proud of you, when he comes back" detective closes the door behind and takes business card out "pure boy like Chen visiting this kind of club? there is surely something fishy going here and I need to dig in"

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