=Timeline #729300=

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In a world where two races ruled over the earth
A war was destined to begin

Human's and Monsters ruled over the earth for years, as the monster kind had been discovered in the deep darkness of the woods, their existence fascinated the human's, driving them to start learning more about them

years pass, and so, the discovery of their ability of magic usage and soul absorption of their and other beings souls was discovered

Fear driven, the human's declared war on the monster's, fearing their abilities, and their intelligence

For months, the war kept on taking victims of the monster kind, as their soul's were weaker than the ones of humans, yet their ability to absorb soul's made them dangerous, becoming capable of gaining unobtainable strength and power, the monster's had no intention of fighting back, even after being pushed to the limits, until one day their species was finally defeated, driven to the woods, and locked in a mountain, the monster race was sealed using the magic of the strongest seven human mage's, they created a barrier, broken only by the power of seven human soul's with the equivalent amount of magic and strength to that of the ones used to create it.

The monster's had grown a grudge against the human's for their losses, and the loss of the king and the queen's late son and adopted child set their hatred ablaze, forcing the king to declare war on the human kind.

the queen pulled back as she could not see the abomination her husband has became, residing within the ruins and locking herself in it, to burry the sorrows she felt, and to make sure no more humans or children were killed ever again.

Decade after another, a new human falls down, sometimes an adult, sometimes a child, a total of six soul's was collected and artificially modified to collect more magic by the royal scientist's to fit the needs to break out of the underground.

Yet, as a new human falls down, seven years after the sixth soul was collected

Chaos insured.

The human's intentions were never clear from the beginning, but as they made their way through the underground, breaking out of it with the monster's as they faced off the royal guards, and the undead child of the king and the queen, time was rewinded, as a new entry was created, with the timeline going back to Point Zero.

As they started over again they began to kill everything they could see in their sight.

As they continued on, time after time, as they reached the final act, they were confronted by Chara, the spirit and ghost of the first fallen human, and the adopted child of the king and queen.

They offered the human to start over again, move on from the timeline they were in and start all over again.

As they accepted, they moved on to the next one.

Chara expecting them to do a pacifist run, continues normally, yet are shocked when they kill their first victim, at the same time, they were intrigued by their actions, at the end of the new timeline, the offered them to move on to the next world once again.

And so a cycle was created via their actions.

Timeline after the other, Chara grew bored of their actions, disgusted to say the least, pushing them to vanish at the end of the last timeline.

After destroying 475 Timeline's, The human finally found themselves in a pickle, as Chara never showed up at the end, rendering them to reset the timeline they were currently stuck in, leaving their fate to be told, as there are a few monster's now, who are capable of remembering their past actions...

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