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Everything was brilliant, from the lighting down to the accents on the table. He wondered how one sole person could finish things so...well. Actually, he shouldn't have been surprised, Christina was a perfectionist so it only made sense for her wedding to be immaculate.

All of the lights gave the place that fairy tale feeling that many people only ever dreamed of and he was quite literally enthralled by how elegant yet how simple everything was in its nature. He was far too busy admiring the decor to notice that he was standing in a large number of people's way.

He only noticed it when someone bumped his shoulder as they tried to walk past with their hands full of drinks from the bar mumbling an, "I'm sorry," as she passed by. He's opened his mouth to apologize, because it was really his fault to begin with, only to realize that she was already halfway across the room.


A hand landed on his shoulder and he nearly jumped out of his skin, his hand flying to his chest reflexively. Chrissy chuckled at his reaction, "Sorry, didn't mean to scare you."

Alex offered her a smile and waved his hand dismissively, "Don't be, my own fault for staring and paying absolutely zero attention. Where's Steven?"

Chrissy scoffed lightly, rolling her eyes playfully as she explained, "Off chatting with his mum about houses, you know, since she's 'an expert.' What's got you so lost in thought? You're usually not this...?" She fished for the proper word and Alex finished for her cheekily, "Thoughtful?"

She glared at him playfully, "Exactly, smart ass."

Alex took another glance around the room, still searching for a not-so-familiar face and sighing when he couldn't spot the woman that had bumped into him earlier.

"Someone bumped into me and I haven't seen her since and I would really like to talk with her."

Chrissy grinned mischievously, the same look she used to get in grade school when she'd figured out who he fancied in the class or otherwise, "What does she look like?"

Alex frowned slightly, his index finger skimming the rim of his drink, "I can't remember. She kind of...vanished. I know that she's kinda average height and uh she's got dark hair, but that's about all I've got."

He'd just recalled the color of her dress when he spotted her across the room. She was smiling brightly as she talked to some guests he didn't particularly know too well and oddly enough, it had a smile forming on his lips as well.

"That's her over there." Rather than pointing a finger and risking being rude, he nodded in her direction as he took a much needed sip of his drink, the alcohol was necessary to calm his nerves so he could eventually go and talk to her without looking like a complete idiot.

Chrissy tried to come up with a name, it was at the tip of her tongue but it just wasn't there, her hands rose slightly as she'd thought she'd had it before falling back to her side, defeated.

"She's one of Steven's friends, I think. Can't remember her name though, sorry."

The music stopped and he could have sworn he heard her laugh clear across the room and above the chatter.

"Alex? Alex, did you hear anything I just said?"

He shook his head to refocus reality, "Not a single word, sorry."

Chrissy laughed and nudged his shoulder lightly, "Go talk to her, I'm sure she doesn't bite."


An hour and a half. An hour and a half since Chrissy had suggested he go over and talk to her. An hour and a half that he spent fiddling with anything he could get his hands on and an hour and a half that he'd spent admiring the woman, whose name he still did not know, across the room.

By now, he knew the difference between her genuine facial expressions and her false ones. God, he was such a creep!

Three more songs had passed before he'd gathered the courage to ask her to dance. That meant less talking, right?

His legs felt heavier than usual as he made his way around the crowd on the dance floor and he could have sworn the temperature in the room had risen considerably.

He was now only inches away from her table, what he'd planned to say now seeming extremely sophomoric. Internally, he was panicking, frantically trying to come up with something to say that wouldn't sound awkward or creepy.

Seconds. He'd been only seconds away now, his heart beating so hard that it was nearly bruising his ribs, her voice now clear over all the noise and making it so much worse.

And, just like that, someone else had beat him to it. And, just like that, he'd lost the sudden confidence that had surfaced within him.

Another hour had passed and he'd long since given up on asking her to dance, every time he had been willing to try he had been beaten at it just moments before he'd reached her. Three times to be exact.

Another hour and he'd learned that she had light eyes and could dance better than he ever could.

Christina's reception had reached its end and all he'd really done was chat for a few minutes, eat, drink, and give up on getting to know the woman in the black dress that had bumped into him earlier in the evening.

He'd gone and said his congratulations and goodbyes to the newlyweds and had just gone outside to the dimly lit parking lot to have the valet bring up his car when he bumped into her. She'd been stepping into her car, a rather small thing that actually looked scarily like the rental he had currently.

Luckily, she'd caught herself before she fell and he'd finally eased up enough not to be a socially awkward mess.

"Sorry, I guess I should really pay more attention." His hand flew to the back of his neck and he offered her a smile, relieved when she returned the gesture although significantly less awkwardly.

"It's quite alright, kinda makes us even for earlier." She'd laughed and his smile widened, if that were even possible.

"Yeah, I guess it does." He laughed nervously and the woman laughed too, nodding slightly before she stepped into her car.

She'd been about to close the door when he made a risky decision and stuck his hand directly where the door would shut, "Wait! I never got your name!"

The woman eyed him curiously, a smile behind her eyes and on her lips, "Juliette."


God, he wanted to slam the door on his own hand! Stupid, stupid, stupid!

"Well it was nice to meet you, Alex. Drive safely."

He'd removed his hand and had been about to let her drive away when he realized he'd forgotten to ask her something, thus prompting another risky move on his part, his left hand being the victim this time because he hardly ever used it for anything anyway.

Thankfully, she'd stopped the door just in time to spare his hand.

"Can I- uh- can I see you again?"

Juliette eyed him curiously, a small smile playing at her lips as she did so, "If you can find me."

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