1: First Date

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Killian had that look in his eyes. The blue became softer around the edges as his gaze dipped to where my dress hung low on my chest. His smile grew as he shifted in his seat and brought his hand up to his temple, letting his free fingers fall across his lips.

"Shall I order us some drinks?" His eyes returned to mine and I gave him a soft smile, leaning forward ever so slightly. His tone was lazy with happiness.

"Are you trying to get me drunk?" I raised my eyebrows. My legs were crossed under the table, as the bottom of my heel began to run up his shin.

He leaned forward, letting his hand drop to take mine, before trailing his fingers ever so slightly up and down my forearm, "Love, I don't think you'll need libations to fall victim to my charm."

His voice was low and husky, as if in wait for the next thing I would say. His hook was under the table, out of reach for me to see. His fingers kept ghosting over the skin of the arm as he looked at me. It was taunting, and so was Killian.

"Maybe, I'd just rather be sober. You never know who is going to show up to crash our date," I let my eyes fall to where his hand was touching me, and my skin started to heat up in anticipation. This was different than Walsh, different than Neal. It was raw and hot. Desire never hung in the air like this before, it was something intangible.

"Swan, you have to enjoy the moments where you aren't trying to save our lives," He smiled, his fingers still as he looked at me. He tilted his head down a bit letting his gaze drop to our hands that he just intertwined. I smiled again, I couldn't stop smiling around him. It was new and it made me feel like a teenager. His hook that was resting on his thigh, made its way over to mine. Gently tracing along the jeans I wore, and leaving a new place where my skin felt flushed before he dropped it off the side.

"You're right," I said with my free hand playing with the silverware, "Maybe I'm just worried you'll take advantage of me."

Smirks crept across our faces in shared realization, "On our first date?" Hook removed his hand from mine and held his chest in a mockery of pain, "Swan, didn't you hear?" He moved his hand back to my arm, cradling my elbow and learning further, "I'm a changed man."

A seductive smile replaced his expression as his eyes darkened. There was something more. He was looking at me, much more than as someone he liked but instead as someone he desired. It was hot and full. It made me want to leave dinner. It made me want to touch him. His fingers began again, making lazy circles around my forearm and suddenly the room began to get hot.

"They need to bring the food out soon," I said, under my breath. More to myself than him, I looked over my shoulder to try and see through to the kitchen. My gaze returned and his smile tilted up in one corner.

"And why's that, love?" He asked, clearly not wanting an answer as much as an admission.

I pressed my lips together, a sigh leaving my mouth. I tilted my head back and forth, trying to stretch something, move something. My discomfort in resisting him became more obvious, "I can't wait much longer."

"Wait much longer for what?" his hand held the back of my elbow and pulled me closer to him, begging me to tell him. Killian had been the first for everything in our relationship. To kiss me, to flirt with me, to help me, to trade his life for me, and to change for me. I've remained the same. My eyes settled on his as he dropped his gaze to my lips and brought his hook back to the seam of my jeans.

"You," I said. Barely a whisper, plenty loud for him to hear. His eyes moved from my lips to eyes, the shock that I had said displayed across his face. He then looked over my shoulder, either looking for the food to come out or an opportunity to leave.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 22, 2023 ⏰

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