How Things Came To Be.

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It was 7pm, just after dinner time in San Francisco. Y/N was sitting in her and Jill's apartment. Y/N was thinking of the events from Raccoon City. Something that would never leave her. Ever.

The night her entire life changed. The night her parents were killed by a virus caused by Umbrella Cooperation. A pharmaceutical company that due to their virus accidentally escaping, destroyed more than half of the city and its population which by the end of it all, was nuked due to inability to contain the virus.

She was only 1 year old. Sad and scared. She had barely grew up enough to know her parents. She didn't know their names. Nothing.

Somehow she remembered a woman coming in her home and grabbing her. Y/N didn't know who this woman was. But she was the reason Y/N was alive today and survived the whole thing.

Y/N was now 17 years old. Over the years, when she grew up, Jill taught her everything she needed to know. Y/N didn't go to school but she learned a lot from Jill.

Her thoughts of that night continued to swarm around in her head. Her parents voices. She remembered.

Y/N's thoughts were stopped when she heard keys at the door. Jill was home.

Jill Valentine. Now a member of the B.S.A.A but during the events of Racoon City was a member of the Alpha Team in the S.T.A.R.S unit of the R.P.D.

It was now the year 2015. Things for both of them had changed. Significantly.

Secondly, Jill was now Y/N's mom. Shortly after the events of Racoon city, they were able to settle down somewhere for a while before Jill was off on her new mission and she adopted Y/N. Jill still had and always had guilt for taking Y/N without anyone's permission or consent, but she saved a baby. It was her job to save anyone she could. since  Y/N was only a baby, Jill decided it was best they'd stick together and she'd provide and raise her with whatever she needed.

Jill tried her hardest to be there for Y/N. And Y/N thought she did an amazing job.

Ever since Jill's first mission at the Spencer Mansion was where it all started. It was the first time ever that she saw the undead. Months later, she had continuous nightmares about it.

Then I'm 2009 when Wesker mind controlled her.

But Y/N was what kept pushing her to go on and not give up.

Jill had never told Y/N  how they become mother and daughter, but it was something that was always something Y/N would ask Jill eventually.

When the time was right.

She knew Jill had been struggling lately. She saw it in everything she did. Her mom was a busy person. But whenever she could, Jill would try to spend as much time as she could with Y/N.

Y/N wasn't sure of what career she wanted to pursue, but she did find her whole life story to be something she felt would be turned into a book. How she survived the horrific events of Racoon city September 1998 when she was just one year old. Although all the credit went to Jill for being the one there to save her.

"So yeah. I wrote a book about how I survived an appocolupse when I was as only 1 year old. Really it's a lot of what Jill saw and how she raised me but, without her I wouldn't be here. Thank you/"

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 22, 2023 ⏰

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