Chapter 1

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Katie p.O.V
As I looked at the old, ugly walls of my school I am more than just happy about the fact that I am leaving this school in one year. I breath in and was ready to enter that building, but
suddenly someone bumps into me.
I turned around in confused just to see him. Him- a asshole, a egoist, a Bastard - my biggest enemy Tobias Pearl. Tobias Pearl is the son of the Pearl family. They own a big company just like my dad, the difference is, we are richer. My dad and his dad are enemies as well and they draged their family in it too, not that I am complaining I mean I would hate him anyways.
'Watch it asshole !" I said looking at his ugly face.
"If you weren't fat I wouldn't have bumped into you !" ,he said. I wanted to say something but my best friend Elizabeth drag me out of there.
"Liz let me go I am not finished with him" suprise suprise she didn't let go of me.
After our other best friend Ivy joined us we walked towards the building. As always everyone is staring at us. What ? You thought that bastard told the truth ? Sorry, to disappoint you but I am build like a model. I don't care if you call me a show-off, but I worked hart for this body. But it isn't just me my two besties also look hot as hell.
The first period was math I mean why not ? Who doesn't want to have math on the first day in the first period. After the lesson, we had a break and looking at our schoolground I couldn't help but roll my eyes. It just looks like a annoying high school movie. On the whole ground are groups with nerds, emos,badboys, football player and of course their Cheerleader.
Like Lena, who is sitting on Tobias lab making a complete fool out of herself. you gussed it right Tobias is one of the famous football player in our school. Everyone say he is good looking, but I can't see that. They all must be blind, I guess and this bitch Lena is a Cheerleader, don't think I hate her because she sits on Tobias Lab and I know you think that. It's because she is such a pick me and she sees me as her rival. She believes I want to steal Tobias away. Can't stop myself from rolling my eyes again. I bet that Tobias told her that he likes me, just so she can piss me off. Ugh, I hate this guy.
After the break is over we headed to the school again. Wish me luck guys.

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