clowning around a verosika backstory

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Announcer: Boys and girls, give it up for Big Butt the Clown! (audience cheers)

Verosika: See ya later kids. (takes a bow and loud ripping sound is heard) Oops! And with a new out fit too.

Audience: Ha ha ha ha ha ha!

Veroskia: So long! Hope to see you all real soon! Ha ha ha (curtain closes) ha ha- in the f**ken obituaries maybe. Ugh. Little brats. F**k! My body was not meant for this. (sits down on the bench with a loud THUDD) Oof! Thats better!

Blitzo: "Good Lord! HELLQUAKE!" Oh wait your just sitting down. False alarm.

Verosika: Are you going to make that joke after every show?

Blitzo: Until I can find an invisible whoopee cushion. Oh wait? Never mind. Ha ha! Get it?

Verosika: I get you are talentless idiot that they dressed in clown makeup.

Blitzo: Are going to say that every time I tell a joke?

Verosika: You're going to hear that from everybody after you tell a joke.

Blitzo: Not true. Usually I get tomatoes, eggs and ice cream cones thrown at me. That reminds me, (pulls out a bucket of said food items) I have your lunch right here sweet V.

Verosika: Really? More throwing scraps shit?

Blitzo: Hey, take it or I can leave it here, walk away and you'll eat it when you think nobodies looking.

Verosika: Fine. Better then that slop they feed us here anyway.

Blitzo: That a girl. Hey, look at this way. If I suddenly got good, you'd starve, right?

Verosika: No worries there, thats for sure.

Blitzo: What is with you today? You're usually not this bitchy until the four o'clock show when they let the kids use your a** as a trampoline.

Verosika: I'm sick and tired of this Blitzo. I'm sick and tired of this stupid, crappy circus job! I hate putting this leotard on everyday.

Blitzo: You and two other guys.

Verosika: I hate putting on this shitty clown makeup and nose!

Blitzo: That would be the thirds guys job.

Verosika: I hate being laughed at by a bunch of sneering brats, who poke my flab to see if it's real.

Blitzo: There are plenty of adults who would pay to do that. For different reasons.

Verosika: I hate being introduced as "THE MEGATON OF FUN"!

Blitzo: Exaggerations! Its more like half-a-ton.

Veroskia: I hate having to do all these humiliating gags. Stuff like falling down on my butt.

Blitzo: Well the clown name says it all.

Verosika: Juggle things they toss at me. Like, cactus, torches and watermelons!

Blitzo: Juggling your own melons around is already a task.

Verosika: Having them roll around on a ball and ME as the actual BALL!

Blitzo: You are literal in the best shape for it.

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