Narrator's Introduction.

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Greetings my darling reader, I'm glad to see you back! I have been practicing for this monent, a special one that I hold near and dear to my heart. A moment of strangeness that my mother had experienced, something so unexplainable yet similar to the magic she'd been blown away by in the first place.

Magic is very strong, it runs through the veins of the people of Elyria, even humans who've visited may have residue of magic in their body forever. But, still you can not do everything with magic.

Do you remember the three rules of magic? Those same rules that prevent the strongest of creatures from doing a set amount of things.

Magic can't be used to:

1. Change the future.
2. Bring someone back to life.
3. Make anyone fall in love.

Other than the power of an Elyrian who can communicate to the dead through their power, such as Gram and my mother's family in the dream world, these rules of magic also include the realm between the living and the dead: meaning I can't use magic to see my mother's experience in the afterlife. This means the only reason why I can tell this perspective is because it's a memory. if you're not getting what I'm saying then you'll have to see for yourself.

His Last Breath (Book two of The Portal Series)Where stories live. Discover now