chapter 15 - collection of the past.

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once everyone had finally made it to the apartment building, everyone was standing at the end of the long hallway leading to the employees only door. kym spoke up, "you guys ready?" the group all nodded, then daria began to lead the group towards the door. after a minute, they finally reach the door. she stops infront of it. michael asks, "you good?" daria nods, "yeah, just..." she has her hand out to open the door, but seems too nervous. maia reaches over, and opens the door for her. she hold out her arm, signaling for the group to go first. the group walks into the room, and the lights automatically turn on. everyone sees the cases again, it was weird seeing everything again. all the costumes, the masks, the knives. xander looks at the display case and spots an item, "hey, look!" kym walks over and looks, "what is it?" xander chuckles, "it's kadens glasses he was always embarrassed about." kym looks closer, and lets out a quiet laugh. "..why did he even hate them? they aren't even bad looking." xander asks, "they aren't?" kym hits his shoulder, "you cant make fun of the dead." xander laughs, "i'm not!" we see maia walking around the collection, and she stops when sees a certain item in the display case. she sees a part of the ladder she used to climb to her escape in her first ever attack in the alley, she composes herself and walks off. daria stops infront of maisies costume, she sees her mask and robe. she looks down...and sees her knife, daria sighs. she then feels a hand on her shoulder, she turns to see serenity. "hey, you alright?" daria nods, "oh..yeah, i'm fine. i guess i just got distracted for a minute." she says, looking back at the case. serenity responds, "i know how weird this all must be, and i'm sorry." daria brushed it off, "don't be, i'm okay..really." serenity replied, "alright, well..i'm gonna go look around, you wanna come with?" daria nods, "yeah, i'd love to."
daria follows serenity as they walk off into a different room, and everyone else goes on their own ways..

jocelyn was walking down a new long hallway she had found in the collection, it was a bit dark and she was using her phones flashlight to see down it.
she sees lots of photos hung up down the hallway, all look like yearbook photos. all were in picture frames that had their names engraved in them, she shines her light on them all..reading, kayla lopez, ren hayes, parker ford, claire greer, heather prim, sienna sterling, timothy lopez, rio mcvay, maisie painter, shay marin, cole sawyer, and finally...angel reyes. she muttered under her breath, "weird..but cool." she hears a voice come from the end of the hallway. she calls out, "hello?" no response. she calls out again, "trying to scare me, or what?" still nothing. she scoffs and mumbles to herself, "we'll see you 'scare' me." she begins to walk down the hallway, and calls out. "oh wow, how terrifying is this?" she continues walking until she finally makes it to the end of the hallway..nobody is there. she sees some broken glass on the floor. she looks around, and flashes her flash around. " anyone there-?" silence. she calls out, "daria?" nothing. "okay guys, nice try..but i'm not scared!" and then..her phone in hand, begins to ring. causing her to jump slightly, she's an unknown number. she answers, "hello?" the voice immediately asks, "you're not scared?" jocelyn stops..and then she hears the door to her left open quickly, she gasps and sees that it's the masked killer. they grab her by the face, and firmly keep their hand over her mouth..muffling her. she tries to squirm away, but then they reach down to the ground...her eyes widen when she sees them pull up a large piece of glass, she tries to hit at the person. but they keep their grip on her firm, they then begin to bring the glass..closer to her eye. jocelyn is shaking her head, absolutely terrified. the glass gets closer..until the killer finally jams it deep into her eye, jocelyns screams are muffled. the killer uses the palm of their hand, and pushes the glass shard deeper into jocelyns eye..going into her head. jocelyn slowly stops fighting back, and the killer lets go of her. her body falls limp to the ground, and the killer quickly runs down the hallway..going into the shrine.

beau and milo were both walking around the shrine, walking off into a farther part in the room. they open a door, and see the laundry chute serenity once was in. beau spoke up, "you think thats the thing serenity was talking about?" milo replies, "probably, it looks so old." beau chuckles, "right?" beau opens another door, the one leading down further. milo asks, "ooh, a dark basement in an abandoned employees only room." beau laughs, "i feel like we have to go down now." milo laughs and nods, "lead the way, please." beau walks down the stairs, and milo follows after him. they make it down, and beau flicks on the light switch. they immediately see the laundry chute has multiple stab marks in it, they walk up to it. milo grits his teeth, "yeah..i think it's safe to say this is the thing serenity was talking about." beau nods, "yikes..
looks rough." milo replies, "right...can't even imagine." beau looks around, "woah, look." milo turns and sees beau walking towards a small table, he follows beau and looks..he sees its a piece of paper, with lists of names written down. beau points, "do we know these people..?" milo looks at the list, david bledsoe, emilie hornby..arianna rascon..and more...milo shakes his head, "nah, i don't think so."
milo looks at the top of the list, hit list is written.
milo asks, "wait they were saying who it is now was involved last time, you think this is from that?" beau stops, "shit, i think you're right.." milo looks back at the laundry chute, "man..this whole this is so fucking weird.." beau responds, "right..dude, and daria running into a subway station trying to get away from the killer the other day also, i can't even imagine.." milo stops, "subway?" beau nods, "yeah, when she ran trying to get away from the killer."
milo shakes his head, "..daria just said she got attacked, she didn't say anything about going in the subway do you know that?" beaus silent, and looks down. milo stays still..and then beau looks up, he has an evil grin come across his face. "..i know because i was the one going after her." milos heart sinks, beau reaches into his back pocket..and pulls out a gun, he points it at milo. milo puts his hands up, "beau, woah, what the fuck.." beau responds, "how..the fuck could you have remembered that?" milo replies, "come on, beau please...i got more to live for.." beau points the gun straight at milos head, "..i'll live it out for you." he pulls the trigger, and the bullet rips through milos forehead. killing him instantly, his body drops to the floor..beaus breathing heavily, he looks back looking up the stairs leading back to the shrine. he stays in the basement, with his gun aimed at the door..

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