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*CREAK* I hear as I open my eyes to see Robin walk in with something in he's hand
He sits on the bed with some..bread?

"Here you need to eat something" he says
"What's in that?"I say
"Idk maybe some salt some shit"
"I'm not falling for that"
"If I wanted to kill you I would of done it in a much more bloody way" he says handing me the bread again as I take it

"Now Marissa didn't find everything about you so I'm here to ask some questions"he says as I look at him
"Where did you grow up?"he asks
"I'm not answering any of them."I say
He looks at me than sighs "I'll ask this again" he says before grabbing a gun pointing it at me
"Where did you grow up?"he asks again
"Here. In Denver."I answer
"Worst thing you done in your life" he asks
"I don't know.. steal some candy when I was 7?"I say as he looks up at me from he's paper laughing

"Last one and I'm leaving"he says
"How did you escape your last Kidnapping?" He says as I look at him it was always hard for me to talk about it
"I..walked up the stairs when he forgot to lock it and as I was running right before he grabbed me some people saw."I say looking down

He gets up from the bed"thanks." He says before walking out but I noticed that the door wasn't closed all the way

After a few minutes I walk to the door completely forgetting about the camera in the room and I walk out the room but I can definitely tell that I won't be getting out like last time all the doors had locks on them
I continue walking around seeing random rooms

"Where do you think you're going?" I hear some whisper behind me. I quickly look behind me to see Robin
"I-I was just looking around"I say backing away as he walks closer
"Oh, I know I left your door unlocked just so you can see that all these door are locked" he before bumping me into a wall holding my neck

"And all the doors are staying that way. I don't give a fuck if you got out you last kidnapped, your not getting out of this one I don't care if I keep you here for weeks,months,years or forever." He say tighten he's grip on my throat as I gasp for air

He let's go as I fall to the floor while he walks away


I was just sitting on the couch while Vance and Diego where too,it seem as they didn't even care I was there
"Ughh.."Diego starts to speak "why is he even still alive we could of killed him a long time ago" I guess I was wrong they do care.

"Dude just leave it alone if boss don't want him dead than where not killing him it's not like he trying to run away he just fucking sitting down"Vance says as he looks at me "well anyways I'm going to my boyfriends house"he says standing up

"Bruce's?" Diego says
'HOLY.SHIT Bruce mention a boyfriend but I never knew who it's Vance??! And Gwen is still at Amy's..Bruce's younger sister'

"Yea? Who else I'm not a cheater"he says as he opens the door

"Bruce..yamada?" I say shit why did I even say anything. Vance stops n mid tracks
"How the fuck do you know him?"he says looking at me
'This is my chance just to see if Gwen is okay' I thought
"He's my friend..and my sister has a crush on he's sister."I say
"Well shit I didn't expect that but whatever" he says before he starts to walk out

"WAIT!" I say as he stops again
"Holy shit. what?" He says now sounding annoyed
I start to stand up kinda walking to him
"I know you don't like me and would kill me in a heart beat but please.. my sister is staying over at Bruce's just please. Please tell me if she okay that's all I want to know"I say as I look at him

"Fine whatever.just because your Bruce's friend" He says as he walks out while I smile
I look back over to the couch to see Diego look at me but in a..werid way I just walk away

"Where are you going?" He says
"It's not like I can get out with all these locks I'm just walking around."I say
"Don't be shocked if you see a dead body." He says laughing a bit
"Are you being fr?" I ask not really wanting to see a dead body
"I don't know it's possible"he say before going back to watching porn on the tv
'Nasty ass' I think to myself as I walk away

I open a door to see that it was Robin at a desk facing the door
"What are you doing?"he ask look up from he's desk
"Just walking around."I say looking at him "not like I can get out."
"True.." he keeps talking but looking me than under he's desk and just keeps repeating that like something is under there

"Is something under your desk?" I say
"No? Why do you wanna be under there to give me a blow job pretty boy?"he say with a smirk as that shocks me
"What...no."I say quickly "get yourself a girl to do that"I say disgust
"I would rather a guy." He says
"Your gay?" I ask
"Got a problem with it?" He says
"No. I'm bisexual"I say pretty shocked that he's gay

"Soo.." I say trying to change the subject "when are you letting me go home?" I asked all I wanted was to go home
"I'm sorry? Did you not hear me earlier"he asked he's voice getting more deep"I'll keep you here as long as I want.finn"he says
"It's finney not finn"I only let my sister call me that
"Okay,Finn"he says smirking
"Okay,robbie"I say but than releasing that sounds stupid as hell "yea no never mind"

"You can leave now" he says
"To do what?"I ask
"Idk whatever watch some tv or sum shit" he says as i walk out to the kitchen to see a wallet

I open up the wallet to see the name "Diego chavz" oh so this is he's wallet.

"What the fuck are you doing?" I hear a voice behind me as I look to see deigo giving me some death look

"Your fucking stealing ain't you bitch?" He says as my heart beats fast


𝙼𝚊𝚢 𝚋𝚎 𝚜𝚘𝚖𝚎 𝚜𝚙𝚎𝚕𝚕𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚖𝚒𝚜𝚝𝚊𝚔𝚎𝚜

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