Chapter I | Earth; God's Worst Creation

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 Dominance. A word often used meaning of one in power; often referring the one in control. Being granted this role leaves one powerful, wholly the one in command. Choosing a person who fits this role seems rather easy, doesn't it? A bit of campaigning and if done correctly, you were all set. Common people being left to decide who would be granted a role of dominance was the worst mistake mankind ever made. Research ceased to be a priority, and things you could hear in a 15 second sum up, which most of the time would be at least somewhat unfactual, decide how they'd use the power in them to elect a leader.

Politics was always a fishy industry, but someone needed to keep the only known habitable space in our universe, at least by common people, afloat. Being one would have you forced to be sedulousness, always on your toes and keeping a sharp mind. Yeah, I'm sure all those bastards had it, but only used it to do things Satan himself couldn't think of.

Many of us knew the bare minimum of what went on behind closed doors of the ones in power. The wealthy. The tragedies we all presumed were going on were quite tame in comparison to what happened deeper down. The very things that could even make God question His own creation went on just below our feet. These underground tunnels, the best word I can use to describe them, harbored the worst sins an army of one thousand demons wouldn't be able to stomach.

You see, everything we were ever told was all fallacious. History recorded over the course of centuries was all lies. Everything humanity on the surface knew was just a lie, somehow all correlating into one place to cover up and misguide us from the truth. However, they couldn't keep it secret forever. About half a decade ago everything began to sprout out and reach the surface far above where these sins took place.

In 2023... well, you were alive then. I shouldn't need to explain, although I feel this would be a wasted page without at least a swift recap. In very simple terms, everything the government had been hiding from all of us for decades and centuries came to light. Everyone could see exactly through the lies now, and down deep below the grounds we walked. The tunnels I mentioned... it mainly involved those. It's the hardest thing to speak on without vomiting. Innocent women captured and forced to be bred with ungodly, otherworldly creatures they brought into existence through experimentation on man just to bring some other thing far worse into existence. Think of skinwalkers, or bigfoot, creatures like those. They were once human just like you and I, experimented on deep below the surface.

 That's sadly only the tip of the iceberg, as many children and infants were brought into these abhorrent sessions

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That's sadly only the tip of the iceberg, as many children and infants were brought into these abhorrent sessions. One thing these... Elites strived for a substance called adrenochrome. A thing extracted from only the most petrified children. I can't even begin to imagine the pain and torment all those innocent kids endured just for these motherfuckers to preserve themselves. You see, if you took this adrenochrome, which mind you is only good from young children, it would conserve your youthful appearance.

I can't bring myself to continue on, so let's end this god awful topic. There were surprisingly a few good politicians who did know about everything, and attempted to warn everyone and try to make humanity wake up to the horrors. We all failed miserably. Once the atrocities surfaced, every single person; and I mean every single human in politics, fled into the tunnels underground, sealing themselves away from the public once and for all.

Now the good ones? They didn't much care to try to save us either. According to what I've heard this was all staged. Everything surfacing, and everyone over us fleeing. Now as punishment for failing to awaken to everything, society was doomed to take care of itself. And we did... for a few months.

We as common people somehow managed to keep us all afloat for a short few months before everything truly began crashing down. People were desperate to find ways to keep a normal life style. So desperate in fact it plummeted us into hell quicker than we would have already. Before we knew it, everything was gone. Running water, electricity, signal, you name it. We were fucked.

Many suicides occurred after that, and a good chunk of the earth's population was gone from that alone. Shockingly, the people that managed to keep going found new ways to cope. If we couldn't have modern lifestyles, we'd have no choice but to regress back into time. Before we even knew it, society was living life like it was the 19th century all over again. Riots over the months prior had destroyed every major town, so people had to build it all back up again. Without the access to fuels we once had though, there was a highly noticeable equipment downgrade. Everybody had to make do with what was at hand, which led to exact replicas of how earth would have looked 200 years ago now.

Despite most people making do with the circumstances, others continued to riot. Not in a way you'd think however. Outlaws and gangs began to form once more. The type to rob you and kill if cooperation ceases to be met. Except now, instead of being bumbling idiots as expected from people like that, most were pretty smart. It wasn't anything like scum you found prowling in the streets, but more like people such as Jesse James or Butch Cassidy, just after kills more than money. Certain areas attempted to keep law by electing their own sheriffs and such, but that was all futile. Nothing could stop these ruthless sons of bitches from pillaging the new world we had built. It was all hopeless. Humanity would have been entirely doomed if one place fell along with the rest of the world. There was only one habitable place left on earth. It was called Sodor.

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