1 - President Ravinstill is Dead

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Coriolanus suppressed a yawn as Livia bored the crowd with her monologue that never seemed to end. "Then I asked Dr. Gaul if she could give me a boob job. She's really good at infusing animal parts into humans, and I requested that she replace my breasts with cow udders—"

The anthem suddenly boomed across the hall, interrupting Livia's speech before anyone could react. Dr. Gaul brisk walked toward the podium and took the mic, looking disheveled and unhinged.

"Everyone, I have a very, very important announcement to make," Dr. Gaul began, panting in between words. "The President has passed away."

The hall broke into murmurs and gasps.

"What happened?" Livia had the nerve to yell from the crowd, her shrill voice ringing across the hall and silencing the others.

"It was an accident," Dr. Gaul declared, looking disturbed. "A very, very unnecessary accident. The President slipped on a banana peel and hit his head."

Coriolanus fought the urge to laugh as the crowd whispered.

"A tragic waste, oh, truly, truly, a waste," said Dr. Gaul. "It is no way to go, a death that does not justify the life of a man with such power, such value. It is truly a shame."

"So who's going to be the next president?" Livia shrieked shamelessly.

Brazen as she was, Coriolanus couldn't help but feel glad that she had brought the question to attention. Nobody else would've dared mention such an impertinent topic so soon. Discussing the president's replacement immediately after his death seemed cold, even for him.

The crowd continued to murmur, debating over who they figured would become the next president. Coriolanus racked his brain for guesses. With Felix Ravinstill dead, he was definitely not an option. Dean Highbottom could've been a contender, but he's out of the picture as well. Dr. Gaul had always worked closely with the president, and she definitely had a lot of power. Perhaps Dr. Gaul was the most viable option.

"What about Coriolanus Snow?"

The young gamemaker froze as he heard his name called out by a voice in the crowd. Before he could figure out who had mentioned it, the hall broke into further debate, this time louder, more frenzied.

"Coryo? He's too young."

"He's only, what, twenty-two?"

"He's turning twenty-three in a few days, though."

"As if that helps."

"Young or not, he's the best we've got."

"Well, you're not wrong. He's contributed more to the Games than anyone older than him has."

"He's the smartest one of us all."

"And not to mention, everyone in the Capitol respects him. Even his superiors practically worship him."

"But can he handle such a position at his age? Imagine a twenty-something year-old, with so much power."

"Well, then who else do you suggest, then, if not Coryo?"

"Now that I think about it, there's no one I can think of who'd be better fit than Snow."

"What about Dr. Gaul?"

"Oh, she's crazy, do you really want to be under the hands of a bloodthirsty lunatic?"

"You're right, my bad. Snow it is, then."

Coriolanus' head spun with adrenaline. With President Ravinstill dead, the position for absolute power was open, available. And people were actually considering Coriolanus as a viable replacement? No, leader would be a better word. He didn't like the idea of simply being someone's replacement, a mere shadow.

Coriolanus maintained a stoic expression, but inside he glowed. The praise, the admiration, the people believed in him, saw him as a capable man despite his youth. And to be president! To think of all the power he could have, all the plans he would execute the moment he rose...

To say the very least, Coriolanus did not expect this to happen, at least not this soon. President Ravinstill had been old, but he had been fairly healthy, and had not displayed signs of a possible death in the near future. Coriolanus had always dreamt of being the president one day, but he had always thought it would take him a long, long time, perhaps even wait until he was fifty years old, maybe kill a few more people, before he could even stand a chance. But this, this was a golden opportunity that just landed on his lap.

Snow lands on top.

Coriolanus Snow's Rise to PresidencyWhere stories live. Discover now