Part 1.

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I slowly woke up hearing the sound of my alarm, Stepping out of bed to take a shower, brush my teeth, and hair. I changed into a basic outfit, Baggy shirt with baggy pants, I packed my backpack, and run downstairs. I see that my siblings aren't here so they must've left already, then I quickly leave before my parents wake up. I ran to the school bus sitting all the way in the back, I rest my head on window, sighs. Then I think to myself, Can't wait to skip school and go to the pool. I stopped zoning out and got off the bus, walking towards my band. "Hey guys!" I say as I smile brightly, "Hey Valeria!" Says Evie. "Should we skip class and go to the pool?" "Sorry but I already skipped so much" Travis exclaims, I sigh,"Oh..what about you Ulises?" I say. "No me and Evie have a art contest today, Sorry" says Ulises. "Oh don't worry about it I'll just go myself" I say, as the bell rings, I tell them goodbye then walk to class.

Omg this class is so boring why does math have to be first. I think to myself, as I was stuck into my thoughts I didn't notice class ended. I slowly walk into the exit, I walk to the pool since it's about 15 minutes away, As I get there I see this boy getting dragged, I didn't really care since it wasn't my business but something kept bothering me, as in my thoughts where telling me to check so I did. I see this boy getting touched, and I mean his private part (Yes private part🤰) He looked terrified I didn't know what to do so I punched the boy that was holding tight on him, I gave him my hand so he could reach out.

He looked scared, terrified. I didn't give him a chance to speak, I dragged him out of the restrooms, "OMG ARE YOU OKAY?" I say out of breath, he looks at me softly, and was on the verge of crying again, "I'm okay don't worry." The boy said as his voice cracks. I was worried for him so without hesitating I hugged him tightly. "Are you sure?" I say once again, he nods while he sobs in my arms. After what felt like hours he finally stopped sobbing, he got off my arms and looked into my eyes, his eyes are pretty  I think to myself, he spoke again cutting my thoughts, "'I'm sorry" the boy exclaimed, He has this cute German accent. I smile to myself, "Its okay don't worry, I hope you are okay" I say, he smiles. Woah even his smile is precious I think,  I'm Valeria, I say to the boy. He smiles at me and says "Your name is pretty" I blush a bit then says, "Bill" "Well Bill, is any of our family member here?" I say to make sure he's safe.

"Actually yes my twin brother" The emo boy says, Wow his twin brother must be fine.  "Oh" was all I said, "Well, where is he?" I say softly. "Um I don't know, but lets go find him" Bill says, as he reaches his hand out for me.

A/N: This is pretty ass since this is my first ever story, anyways please vote.

☆567 words☆

☆Pool incident☆ ~ Bill Kaulitz x Valeria ~Where stories live. Discover now