Chapter 11

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Earth date: 01/08/2012, 15:11

We teleported over to Florida, Ohio. Joey espied a Lutheran church. "Let's plan in there," he said.

"Breaking into a church," Frazz moaned worryingly after Max phased through a side door and let us in. "I'm going to hell."

"Aren't you agnostic?" Jay grilled curiously.

"If He's real, I'm going to hell."

We ensconced down in the pews. Kristi, the only one of us with a smartphone, was auditing where the Faukan was. 

"OK. So, we need to get the Faukan out of the water and onto land," Joey began authoritatively. "What then?"

"That's some of the job done," Max added hoarsely. "It's cold."

"But it won't be enough," Margaret retorted quickly. "We need to take it down."

"And get it out of the water in the first place," I spoke up.

Frazz pointed a finger in the air. "Lightbulb!" A lightbulb of green energy shimmered into existence over his head to emphasize his point.

"Dork," Max snarked sarcastically.

"Margaret, Daphne, you said sound messes with the Hautik, right?"

"Right," the two of us chorused.

"And we already know it doesn't like the cold, right?"

"Right," Joey drawled hesitantly. I could see the cogs turning in his head.

Frazz pointed at Kristi. "Sound." He pointed at Margaret. "Cold." He pointed at himself. "And if we make the water somewhere it doesn't want to be, what will it be looking for?" He pointed in the air again, and a beryl energy ball, hot enough I could feel the heat wafting off of it from a few meters away, sparked into existence midair. "Heat."

"Frazz, you genius!" Kristi cried triumphantly.

"He's got a fat head already, Blake. Don't make it bigger," Max retorted grumpily.

"She made my head bigger a long time ago," Frazz teased, wiggling his eyebrows.

"Ewww!" Margaret exclaimed disgustedly.

Jay grabbed a pen from the back of the pew and threw it at Frazz's head. "Everybody shut up! It's a good plan, OK? So let's use it."

"Kristi, where's the Hautik right now?" Joey canvassed.

She swiped open her iPhone and checked.  She stood up and purled in a circle. She pointed to the wall on our right. "That way, in the Maumee River." 

Joey stood up. "Then let's do it."

"Wait!" I exclaimed suddenly.

"Everything OK?" Max enjoined curiously.

"I wanted to pray before we go."

Frazz genuflected around the sanctuary we stood in. "You came to the right place!"

I went to the stage and knelt. "Father, keep us safe," I whispered. "Protect the people of this town. Help us defeat this threat."

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