I'm coming with you

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TW'S: SUICIDE, SWEARING, SELF HARM (mention), OVERDOSE (mention), TELLING PEOPLE TO KYS, BULLYING, RAPE (mention)(lmk if theres more)


Molly - Dead, overdosed 1 week ago, struggled with sh and overall shit mental health

Faye - Hates Megan, was best friends with Molly, has shit mental health, struggles with sh

Megan - Tells people to kill themself, bitch, has 3 friends (Emily, Chi, Nieve)


"Heyyyyy" Megan teased

"Would you just fuck off dickhead" I said in an angry tone

"Wouldn't you just love that"

"Yes, yes I would" Maybe if I agreed they would leave me alone

"Oh for fucks sake, you're so fucking stupid Faye"

"Lol Faye thinks that she can just agree and get away with this" Nieve teased.

"Yeah you're fucking stupid" Emily chimed in.

"You should just kill yourself at this point," Megan said in a joking way that wasn't quite joking, "Not like anyone would care about you now that stupid Molly's gone"

"Don't talk about her like that," I yell trying to not let a sob escape.

"Oh yea, you gonna cry, such a fucking pussy.

I ran off, not even listening to them anymore. They'd gone too far, they brought Molly into this. Molly WAS my best friend. She DID care about me. I DID love her. But she's gone now, fully gone. I miss her, why did  she have to do that, she could've talked to me. She didn't have to grab the medication and do that.

I walked into the school bathrooms and locked myself in a cubicle. Just breathe I think to myself, in and out, in and out. I let a sob escape my mouth now that no one was in here. I fucking hated that girl, she made a joke about killing myself and this was the last straw. I cleaned myself up a bit and left the bathrooms.

 I arrived in student services and told them I felt sick and needed to go home. I was a very quiet and trustworthy student, they also knew about my home life and let me walk home myself. I don't know why, I'm sure they knew what I was going to do.

I unlocked the door and walked in very carefully and quietly as not to wake my father. If he awoke my plan wouldn't work, he would just punish me. I walked into my room and looked in my third draw down. Right at the back was a little note, I was planning on putting this note on the kitchen bench and just hope that he didn't just put a six pack of beer on top and call it a day. I hope he read it. The note said:

Dear Father,

I want you to know that I am gone. You're probably happy I'm gone considering you always told me I ruined your life. You can go get high and drunk with your 'friends' and just forget I ever existed.

You should know that even if YOU never cared about ME, I cared about YOU. I always did, even the times you hit me, yelled at me, raped me. I didn't want to love you but I did. I loved the OLD you, back when Lily was still alive, before YOU killed . Back when you would take us to the toy store and the beach and even on holiday to Australia. I miss the days when you didn't spend all night going out with the people who 'care' . 

Now I'm gone I hope that you think about what YOU'VE done. Now I'm gone I'm with people who care about me, I'll be back with Molly. It'll be like she never left.


So here it is my last words to you, A quick death is better than holding on to that pathetic hope. So I hope you know that I'll be taking my life and leaving you behind.

         - Faye

I put the note on the bench and wiped away my tears. I walked up the stairs for the last time. I said goodbye to my room where I slept, walked into the bathroom and found my razor. I cleaned because I wanted the last time I used it to be good. I looked at myself in the mirror for the last time, I saw a young girl with a bruised, red, puffy face. 

But I also saw a 6 year old who thought her dad loved her, who didn't understand what her dad had done, who didn't understand what rape was, who didn't understand that this wasn't normal. She was a bruised and battered girl, she didn't understand the cruelness of the world yet. She hadn't yet faced the horridness of her father yet. She had seen her FATHER drunk and high.

"Molly we'll be together again with no one to hurt us!" I yelled out. I said those words with my last breath, I would be gone, finally.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 10 ⏰

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