38 | rule 20

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✷  C  H  A  P  T  E  R     T  H  I  R  T  Y  -  E  I  G  H  T  

Removing myself from the comfort of the warm, hot spring water, I wrapped the robe Hana gave me around my body while Rowan turned the other way. With the velvet texture covering my skin, I began to become extremely aware of my lack of proper shoes.

I had none.

In order to get to the hot springs, I had stayed in my wolf form, only bringing with me the robe. I had completely forgotten about the need for a good pair of shoes when walking in the snow—because no matter how hard I tried to tell myself otherwise—I would need shoes to trek back to the den.

While my above-average body temperature was a good deterrent to the frigid temperatures, it did not make me completely immune to the side effects of the elements, particularly ones that could leave my feed turning a blackish-blue color.

Stepping over the rocks bordering the hot springs, my knees buckled from underneath me as a wave of dizziness overtook me. It was brief, my vision stabilizing before I could comprehend what had happened.

Rowan was at my side in an instant, asking, "Are you okay?"

I nodded my head, unable to speak.

"Are you sure?" He was not convinced. Exhaling sharply, he continued, "I knew we should have pushed the Migration to a later date. You've been feeling off since the hunters. Fuck."

I vigorously shook my head from side to side.

"Olive," he sighed. "You can't stand here and tell me the stress is not getting to you."

"I'm not stressed," I said as I found my voice. With Rowan's hand supporting me, I tried to take a step forward, but my knees were still shaky. Rowan shook his head.

"Olive," he took a lighter approach, his eyes traveling down to my bare feet. His face scrunched in what could only be determined as disgust. "Where are your shoes?"

"I forgot them," I said with a sigh. "I didn't think to bring them since I was in wolf form."

"You can't walk back with wet hair and no shoes."

"Fine," I crossed my arms over my chest as best I could with Rowan's grip still firm on my upper shoulder. "But you've got to look awa—"

Rowan chuckled, releasing my arm. He motioned his head backward. "Get on."

"What?" I froze, directing my attention toward his back. "You can't be serious."

My doubt was not for my lack of faith in Rowan, because I did believe he would be able to haul me in one piece to the den. My doubt stemmed from simply not wanting to mount Rowan's back like he was some sort of personal taxi service.

Nevertheless, Hana's words played at the back of my mind: she had said pups often were carried by their parents during the Migration—maybe this is Rowan's way of proving himself. I understood if that was the case, where he was coming from, but I had just started to conduct myself independently, and relying on Rowan was not a part of that plan.

However, I knew rationally, it was just one potential ride on his back, nothing more nothing less. I didn't have to make it a big deal, but my heart pounding in my chest would say otherwise.

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