Happy Thanksgiving!!

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A/N: This chapter has no relation to the current events of Two Sides of the Same Coin. This is merely a chapter to celebrate Thanksgiving. So have fun reading this chapter and have a good Thanksgiving!







Ryo's Apartment, Kokori's Room

  Kokori had just woken up, she rubbed her eyes, as she yawned. She looked at the calendar that rested just above her desk. She noticed it was thanksgiving day, >... Well, at least it'll just be us four...< Kokori thought to herself, getting out of bed, she went out of her room to go to the bathroom, using it for its intended purposes. When she finished taking a shower, she put on her towel and exited the bathroom, moving to her room. When she got back into her room, she put on a sarashi and undergarments. She put a t-shirt over her sarashi, and a white and light red hoodie over her t-shirt. She put on some white shorts, stretching herself out.

  She left her room and walked down the hall into where the kitchen was, she saw Rośe and Ryo were preparing the thanksgiving food. Ren was preparing the extra ingredients, helping out the two. "Morning Koko." Ryo said, noticing Kokori coming into the kitchen. "Good morning.." Kokori responded, "Wanna help out?" Rośe asked in a sweet tone of voice, awaiting Kokori's response. Kokori thought about it for a while, >It's been so long since then... I might as well help out.< Kokori thought to herself, responding with a yes.


Bethwell Household, Kitchen

  Nelivia was humming to herself, making some pastries and dishes for thanksgiving. Eliward was helping her out, although there were times where Eliward teased Nelivia while the two were working. "Hey, Eli, I was thinking about something..." Nelivia said, catching her wife's attention. "Hm, what is it?" Eliward responded, licking off some cranberry sauce from her index finger. "It's been a while since we were able to celebrate a holiday together properly." Nelivia said, a smile on her face as she knew she was able to spend time with her wife for a full day. Eliward thought about it for a while, she knew both her and Nelivia worked day to night jobs every day, meaning they got very little time to spend together. So what Nelivia said was true, the two are now able to spend a full day together without work. "Ah, yeah, it's been a while." Eliward said, walking up behind Nelivia, wrapping her arms around Nelivia's waist. "And I plan on spending this entire day with you." Eliward said, putting her head on Nelivia's shoulder, causing a light blush on Nelivia's face as her wife rested her head on her shoulder and her arms around her waist.


U-Yung Household, Sia's Room

  Sia was sketching out a picture of her, Jay, and their mother on a piece of paper. She was awake from the time the sun rose. She had headphones on, and she was listening to calming music, well, the calming sounds of nature. She finished up her sketch with the final branch of a tree, lightly erasing the lines so it would be easy for her to use a pen to trace the final lines. She grabbed her pen and traced over the sketch lines with perfection and ease. When she finished, she grabbed her colored pencils, planning to give some life into her art.

  When she finished coloring in her art, it felt perfect to her. She had also used some paint and a sponge brush for the autumn leaves of the trees in the background. Sia smiled to herself, a warm feeling in her heart as she looked at her finished artwork. "Sia, come down and help out!" Jay's voice yelled out from the kitchen, waiting for Sia's response. "Okay! I'm coming down!" Sia responded back, closing her artbook and running down the stairs to the kitchen to help out Jay.









Ryo's Apartment, Living Room

  The four had finished eating their thanksgiving meal, Rośe was washing the dishes as Ren and Kokori faced each other in a game of Uno. Ryo was cleaning up the table and getting rid of the mess. >Their still kids at heart...< Rośe thought to herself, a soft smile on her face as she looked at Kokori arguing with Ren when they played Uno. "It's best to treasure those close to you." Ryo's voice came from nowhere, making Rośe jump. Ryo took a sponge and started to wash off the dishes. "Yeah, you're right!" Rośe said, her soft smile turned into a bright smile, the happy moments with those she cared for would be the best moments of her life...


Tōkai Street

  Nelivia and Eliward were out of the house, holding each other's hands as they walked through the streets. They had smiles on their faces as they walked through the street with each other. They shopped in different stores with each other, Nelivia would bring out some items and at times, Eliward would tease Nelivia for her options, and she would end up buying some of the items for Nelivia. This Thanksgiving, the two enjoyed each other's company and would smile with each other as they spent their Thanksgiving together.


U-Yung Household

  Jay and Sia had finished praying at their table, and had begun to eat the food they had prepared together. It was just the two of them this time as their father was dealing with scandals at his workplace. And although it was only the two of them, Sia still had her bright and joyful smile on her face as she ate the food. Jay couldn't help but smile at this, his sister was enjoying herself this thanksgiving, >She's alright mom... Sia is still as energetic as she was...< Jay thought to himself, he felt a warm presence around him, and although he couldn't see it, but their mother, Kyung Soon was hugging Jay in a warm embrace. She had done the same for Sia, Sia had a sudden stop in her eating as she felt her mothers warm embrace.











A/N: Happy Thanksgiving everyone! I am thankful for the readers that have taken the choice to read this story from me! I hope you all live long, peaceful, and successful lives!

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