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The night sky stretched above like a cosmic canvas, adorned with stars that shimmered in the vastness of space. Joong and Dunk lay side by side on a blanket spread across the grassy hill, their eyes fixed on the celestial spectacle. The air was filled with the soft rustle of leaves and the distant murmur of the night.

Joong, feeling a sense of tranquility, move to laid his head on Dunk's lap. Dunk, looking up at the starswhile stroking Joong's hair. He couldn't help but smile at the simplicity of the moment.

"You know, Dunk, sometimes I wish life could always be like this-peaceful and filled with stars. No worries, just dreams." Said Joong while playing with Dunk's fingers.

Dunk chuckles. "Yeah, it's nice. What are you thinking about?"

Joong took Dunk's other hand and start caress his fingers. "Nothing particular, I'm just thinking when will you move in with me?"

The question caught Dunk off guard makes his eyes go wide, then he giggles. "That will not happend Joong. You know I need to live with my family."

"Then, I need to be part of your family first so you can be with me, right?" Said Joong intertwined his hand with Dunk's, looking at his face with sheepish smile.

Dunk laugh at his blunt words, "Nonsense Joong."

"Let's just say that is one of my hundred dreams."


Joong propped himself up on his elbows, looking at Dunk with a spark in his eyes.

"Yeah, Dunk. I've been thinking a lot about where I want to be in my mid-20s to 30s. Stable income, have my own sport car, you know? A life that I'm proud of."

Dunk intrigued. "That sounds great, Joong. What about your dreams for your work, your passion?"

"Of course, I want my photography to reach more people, maybe even have my own exhibition. I want to capture stories that touch hearts."

Dunk nods. "That's an amazing dream. I hope it all comes true for you."

Joong turned the conversation toward Dunk. "And what about you, Dunk? What's your dream?"

Dunk's expression shifted, a subtle sadness creeping in.

"I don't hope for much, Joong. I mean, I work hard and all, but I've learned not to expect too much. What happens will happen. Don't want to hope too high; it hurts when things don't turn out the way you want."

"Dunk, it's not wrong to dream big, you know? Your hard work deserves to be met with hope and dreams."

Dunk, shaking his head. "I've seen dreams shatter, Joong. It's easier not to have them at all."

"But dreams give us something to strive for, to look forward to. They make the journey worthwhile."

Dunk still resolute. "I get it, Joong, but I'd rather not set myself up for disappointment. I'll take things as they come."

Joong sighed, gazing back at the stars. "Maybe one day you'll see that dreaming big isn't about the outcomes, it's part of our journey."

Dunk didn't respond to that, because he know, for him, dreaming is a hardest thing to do.

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