( Cp-4 Meet TOAA,Fight TOAA )

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Last time

Lady of the death hear this Soo Relaxing,but Still Little Worry,Well this not long because TOAA Cosmic Being to.......


Both still Out of the Aura And there Expanding beyond the House of ideas and making the Outerverse Tremble

Living Tribunal Look Outerverse Start Tremble say

living Tribunal : both Stop outerverse Will Destroy you two still Release the aura""!//He shouted at Rimuru and TOAA

TOAA And Rimuru hear this Just realized that the two of them were too much and immediately turned off their respective auras

In beyond Realm

beyonder : hew" this Both Finally Done I Think my Beyond Realm no Longer Again:')//Beyonder Still Rimember About The Beyond Realm Destroy by TOAA aura

Overvoid Realm

Oblivion : Shoot" this Old man and The girl make My Realm shaking like Hell"//he muttered

TOBA realm

Toba :.......

In Thanos Spaceship

Thanos : Fuck!This Energy Will Destroy my Shipp!!//Shouted to All and Called back a bit from the Alpha Sentauriy solar system

Back to TOAA And Rimuru

Rimuru : Well,done for now Next Time I Will kill you shit!//Rimuru shouted, who was in girl mode

TOAA hear this Say

TOAA : Oh my Try my~??//TOAA Tesing Rimuru but Failed and Rimuru Teleport back to Cardinal World Instanted

Three Pov.

after fight TOAA Rimuru soo Tried Why tried ? Yea because He rimuru fight above 45.000000 Quantilion years in House of ideas

Veldanava : ho. You finally back hah??//Asking Rimuru

Rimuru hear this say

Rimuru : Fuck!up I soo Tried now!//Rimuru is a bit emotional because his fight with TOAA was stopped by the Living Tribunal

Veldanava done shock because he know Everything he God to after all

Rimuru : Nee Velda Who did you bring here ?//asking Velda and point' to Lady of the death

Veldanava hear this say

Veldanava : oh,He lady of the death C..

Bofore Velda finished here word Rimuru say

Rimuru : Yeah I know Lady of the death One of Cosmic Creature in here Universe//Replying to Velda's words with lazily

Veldanava : well,I done mind and nevermind//Same With lazily

In lady of the death place

Lady of the death Pov : well, I lady of the death I am Cosmic Creature in there hole Outerverse or Universe,some day Unexpected events arise A planet that contains Cosmic creatures and is stronger than all Cosmic Creatures in the Marvel universe,plus Had Two or Three Cosmic Creature same Level as The One Above all and this make my shock also now I in there planet and no Happened events,well I absolutely not wan't Visit this planet but other Cosmic Being vote my to Visit this planet And there is no other choice but to want to because others are stronger than myself..

Feldway side

Feldway paralel Existence : Well, Interesting Universe in here Universe have Cosmic Being like Ivarage's~Well I Will visit him Later~~//Feldway has another crazy idea to make another big war

Cornus : hmm..

Back to Veldora side

Veldora : Hahhhh!!!?? Where this planet going Now!?//Veldora shocked because Cardinal World Teleport to Marvel Universe

Ramiris : Hah" Other day like normal master Shout again,well this kinda Annoyed""//Fly to Veldora's room which is on the last floor or the hundredth floor

Diablo Carrera Testarossa and Ultima side

Diablo : khufufu~.This Universe Interesting Have any Race and Any Timeline to~//Diablo muttered which Carrera Testarossa and Ultima heard

Testarossa : Ara~You Right Diablo~this Universe Interesting~~//Reply diablo Muttered

Carrera : hahaha,yea your absolutely Right this Universe Interesting and I wan't to fight all cosmic Creature in there Universe~~//Same as Testarossa

Ultima done say Anything because ultma Have mission to go In edge solar system to visit Thanos..

King of stories Loki : Hah"? why In there stories no like other!?//Loki Shock because In here Universe have Abnormal stories..

Milim and Ciel/Lucia Side

Ciel/Lucia : ha,Its peaceful~~//Relax

Milim : Mommm!//While crashing into Ciel/Lucia's bedroom door

Ciel/Lucia See the door being destroyed again by milim and Ciel/Lucia say

Ciel/Lucia : Sweetheart~why you destroy Door again You bofore Promise not to destroy the door again~//looking milim With Demon face

Milim, who saw Ciel/Lucia with her devilish face, was a little scared and said

Milim : h...sorry for this noda~But mom where Daddy now?~~//Asking

Ciel/Lucia : you dad Now in Office like normal and why you coming here?//Reply and asking back

Milim Those who heard that were scared because he forgot that Rimuru and Velda were in his office like normal

Milim : Hahah noda~ By mom I visit Daddy now byyy!noda~!//Milim is afraid of being angry with Ciel/Lucia for disturbing her sleep

Ciel/Lucia : Ha~Childre~well Finally Sleeping bed I coming~~//Who immediately fell asleep on the bed

Ultima side

?? : Hoho~ why Soo much Armada Coming my Planet~?//Asking Thanos in Spaceship

Thanos look In outside Spaceship and see little girl with Great aura say

Thanos : Ho,Hello Little one My name Thanos and you??//Asking ?? Via? Microphone

?? Call little one say

?? : done call my little one My name Ultima and this you Gift~~//Ultima Lunch ultimate skill Samael

Thanos Little shock one of here comender Death In one Attack
Bay the way The Thanos comender Death name is Proxima

Thanos : attack!//Who avenged one of his commanders who died in the Ultima attack

Ultima look this soo happy because he war Again

Rimuru/Velda side

Rimuru : Ha.

Bofore Rimuru say milim Come with destroy Door

Milim : Daddy!!,I Wan't Fight Where The enemy now~~noda//asking to rimuru

rimuru : HH"!,milim dear We now no in the war why you Wan't war"?//Asking Back

Milim : E.eto.hmm I Bored noda~//Reply rimuru Question

Rimuru hear this Say

Rimuru : hah~Milim If you wan't war Go in beyond Realm or Earth in here any fighter to fight you~~//Talk to Milim casually

Milim hear this happy and Coming soon in both Realms

Velda : eh? why you send Milim to there Realm?//asking rimuru

Rimuru : Well, I wan't this chill to Grow up no like children again~//Reply back to Velda

Velda hear this understand and back sleep again.....

Author : Hehe,Hello You all Miss my ? No? Ah no Problem for no Miss my alright See ya in the next cp by~

Totally all word : 1060

To be continued.........

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