1. Diagnosis

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"We're sorry, but there's no cure. You have twelve days left."

That was surely something.

He wasn't expecting, after being on bed rest for three days, to go to the hospital and told he has twelve days left.

Jisung should be upset, bawling his eyes out even, but he's lived a good life, and he shouldn't spend one of his days sobbing when he could be fulfilling things on his bucket list.

He had a lot of things on that list, but he could at least start knocking a little off.

He called Chan, a good friend of his, told him that he wanted to skip class and go to a local fair. He skipped the part where he's dying in less than two weeks. The conversation went something along the lines of,

"Chan! I'm gonna skip class and go to that fair, you wanna join?"

"Sure, I've got nothing important to do in any of my classes."

Okay that's not actually how it went, but point is Jisung got him to come along!

Changbin was easier to get to skip, it was around two hours before the fair opened so they had a little time to kill.

He just told the other two to head to his house, they can change or whatever there, then they can leave when they need to.

Chan arrived pretty quickly due to living only around ten minutes away from Jisung's house, Changbin took a little longer since he lived farther.

"Okay, so what do we do to kill the time needing to be killed?" Jisung asked, swinging his legs back and forth as he sat on the couch.

"Well it's currently 6.." Chan checked his watch, "6:47, so we could go get food at some place."

"Agreed, I'm hungry." Changbin said, Jisung replying with a, "You're always hungry!"

"I have a big appetite!"

"It's too early for y'all to be bickering." Chan mumbled, shaking his head like a disappointed mother.

"Sorry!" The two younger said in unison. "Now since we're going to get food, where exactly are we going?" Jisung asked.

"I don't know, wanna just drive around and look for places?"

"Couldn't we just look online to find places?" Changbin said, plopping down onto the couch.

Jisung scooted over a little bit so they both had more space. "That's boring though."

"I call not driving!" Changbin exclaimed.

Chan sighed, him and Changbin were the only ones that knew how to drive, and since Changbin didn't want to drive, that left him.

"Why do I always have to drive?"

"Because you're the mother, now let's go!" Jisung said, standing up from the couch and dragging Changbin along with.

"I'm a male!" Chan argued, he could at least be a father.

"Tomato, tomahto."

Jisung was already at the door, slipping on his shoes and also forcing Changbin to. "I call shotgun!"

"I'm older though!" Changbin pouted.

"Too bad, I called it!"

Chan followed the two out of the house, being sure to shut and lock the door with the spare key he was given.

Jisung had already gotten in the passenger seat while Changbin was pouting in the back. The eldest climbed into the car, putting on his seatbelt.

The other two, forgetting to do that when they got in, copied what Chan did.


They drove around for a little while before ending up at a little family diner, it was nicely decorated, rather homely.

Their server was a girl named Taylor, she was pretty nice, you could hear her lecturing the chefs in the back so that gave them some good entertainment.

The food came out not too much longer and jesus, it was definitely worth their money.

"We're so coming here more often." Jisung said, muffled due to having a mouth full of food.

"Chew and then speak, I don't need you choking and dying young." Chan said.

Jisung did indeed shut up and chewed, little did Chan know that he would be dying young either way.

He put his happy face back on and began talking again, just chewing his food this time.

Their food was quickly finished and they paid and left, tipping the waitress a twenty dollar bill.

The fair had finally opened, so to the fair they went.

The car ride was quiet, except for when some 2000s white girl music started playing, specifically Hot n Cold by Katy Perry.

They all just jammed out to the music, the drive was gonna take twenty minutes so they might as well have some fun before they have more fun.

And finally, they arrived.

It took a little while to find a parking spot, surprisingly it was busy despite being a random Tuesday.

They had to park kinda far, Jisung and Changbin complaining about having to walk.

"Shush, you two won't die from walking." Chan said.

"What if I step on a rusty nail and fall on more rusty nails?" The youngest of the trio said.

"It's not going to happen because you will watch where you are going." Chan responded, side-eyeing Jisung a bit.

Jisung playfully rolled his eyes, hopping out of the car and beginning to walk alongside the older two.

They got to the entrance, paid for three adult tickets for a hefty price of one-hundred and fifty dollars.

Chan had to pay since Jisung "forgot" his wallet and Changbin paid at the diner.

They finally entered and now a half of one thing was crossed off Jisung's bucket list, going to a fair and the other half being riding the drop tower.


Okay!! First chapter is done, sorry if there are any typos, I don't proofread lmao. I hope everyone has drunken something and ate something, if you haven't, go do that!! Charge ur phone babes, idc if it's on 90 smth, charge it!! Word count w/o my a/n was 929, with this book, I'm not gonna push myself to make the word count 1000 or more, I'm just gonna write. With zenith, i think i got burnout so quickly bc i was pressuring myself to do over 1000 words so ima not do that anymore 😭

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 18, 2023 ⏰

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