the end of Blue's Clues... 🥀

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(Sorry again for not updating in like, a week. I've been kind of busy, and just not paying attention to writing. I am back now.)

It seems like you're also curious for how it turned out. Well, the note says, "Hi. You all have probably known me as the "happy blue dog named Blue". Well, that image is about to change as you read on. On TV screens, I've always tried to act like a happy puppy. Even in the worst situations, I've tried."

"Have you noticed that Steve has looked out of place, now and days? He's been drinking and taking drugs a lot, and that really messes with your brain. Recently, he's faced some problems in his life, and felt the need to try and "cope" with them. Miranda, Magenta's owner, has sadly passed away in a car accident, so Steve had to watch over Magenta. Steve and Miranda were great friends, and this affected him heavily."

"He began to take his frustration out on me and Magenta by hitting us, breaking our legs, burning us with cigarettes, etc." I begin to cry even more. I never knew that THIS was happening behind camaras. Blue turns the note around. Now, the notes reads... "Our wounds would take long to heal, that's why episodes would take some time to release, so YOU guys wouldn't suspect anything if we filmed while having bruises on us."

"But now, I'm done. I'm so sick of life. I'm not the "happy and playful" dog I once used to be. I've had enough with it all. I've also had depression for a while now, but Steve was too stupid to notice my change in behavior. But Magenta... was always someone who understood me."

"She'd always check in on me, share with me, she was my bestest friend. And Magenta, if you're reading this, I love you. And I want you to escape from Steve, and continue on without me. I left some of the things you like in a box, underneath our bed. This is goodbye... the end of Blue's Clues."

349 words.

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