Chapter 12: Varian and the Children of the Night Part 1

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Just because Varian had so much going on like the memory formula for the king and queen and Demanitus Scroll, didn't mean that he couldn't have some fun every now and then. At least, that was Rapunzel's philosophy. The princess worried that the child's all work and no play routine wasn't healthy for him. That was why she suggested that the Fellowship of the Sundrop would go for a night out to do something fun.

Tonight, the group of friends were having dinner at the Snuggly Duckling. They all sat at the bar table while their order was being taken.

"We'll have the daily special, please." Rapunzel requested.

"Excellent choice, princess. Your order will be ready in 15 minutes or less." Atilla said.

"Thanks, Atilla." the sundrop thanked the chef as he walked back to the kitchen.

"I hope Shorty doesn't volunteer to 'taste test' again." Eugene spoke, making air quotes with his fingers.

As the rest of the fellowship were talking, Varian's eyes wandered to something that caught his attention: a grand piano. Rather than invest in his friends' conversation, the teen pulled away from the bar table and walked toward the piano. He dusted the seat off and lifted up the cover to reveal the ivory keys underneath.

Unbeknownst to Varian, a new patron entered the pub. It was a very pale man with platinum blonde hair.

The young alchemist then sat down at the piano, opened the songbook, and put his fingers to the keys. He played the upbeat melody according to the sequence of notes on the sheet music.

Within seconds, the music being played caught everyone's attention, including the Fellowship of the Sundrop.

"Varian?" Rapunzel gasped in amazement.

"Wow. Who knew that kid could play?" Lance commented, feeling rather impressed.

As the jubilant song resonated throughout the pub, the pasty man was tapping his foot in time to the melody and watching the young maestro with an increasingly sly grin, a pointy toothed grin.

When it was over, Varian didn't even know he was being watched until he heard the rousing cheers from the pub patrons. The teen saw everyone give him a thunderous applause. His friends were even up on their feet as they clapped. Varian was definitely taken aback by the standing ovation. Originally, he was just messing around with the piano and he felt modest about the praise he was given.

"Thank you. Thank you all so much." the kid said humbly as he blushed.

"Brava! Bravissima!" the sallow man hollered loudly.

When the applause died down, most of the pub patrons went back to their business. Rapunzel was about to walk up to Varian, but the pale man rapidly got him first. He moved so fast, he was practically a blur.

"That was an exemplary performance, my dear boy. I can tell you have a real ear for music." the ashen figure told the teen.

"Well, that's very kind of you, Mr.-" Varian replied.

"Oh, just call me Lawrence." he cut him off. "I must say, it's not everyday that I see such raw musical talent from someone so young. I would certainly love... an encore."

Lawrence then joined Varian at the shoulder and wrapped an arm around him. Immediately, the boy noticed that the man's hand was way too close to his backside and a warning bell went off in his head.

"Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! Hands above the equator, buddy!" he exclaimed, pulling away from his strange admirer.

"Oh, do forgive me. It's just my way of showing appreciation for such a grand presentation." Lawrence said, inching closer again.

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