How it started

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"Run! Bitch run!" they yelled after her. Terra ran as fast as she could to her house and locked the door. Likely, no body was home to see her crying again. Terra was a second year high school student, she got mostly good grades. She was had an average height, and..... average weight. She wasn't fat, no, she wasn't. But those girls seemed to think so.

~flash back~

Terra used to be a happy person, not at the least amount depressed, until that day.... She was walking home when she got the feeling that someone was following her. She brushed it off and continued walking home. When she got to her room she put on some music and started to change into her pajamas. It was her first day at school. It was actually not that bad, people were nice to her and she even made a new friend. He had shown her around school, Luke was his name. He was a really nice guy, he also complimented her on her hair. She might have developed a small crush on the guy. She sat on her bed and went on Facebook to check any new posts. "What the...." There, in her news feed was a picture of her and Luke, talking. A red circle was drawn around his hand, he was holding his phone under.... Terra's skirt, the camera light was flashing........ "How could he.......?" Terra read the caption it said " Looks like we have a new slut at school guys! Isn't she just the nicest to let Luke have some picks?" Tears started forming in Terra's eyes. " Why, why would he do this? I didn't, know... I "

The posts continued from that day on. The next day there was a pick of her changing in her room from the previous day! It had been Photoshopped sloppily for exaduration, to Terra having a huge stomach and thighs. "I- I don't look like that!". After seeing that Terra went to tell the principle about the whole situation, but some one stopped her. It was three girls, they were all very pretty, but with an evil in their eyes. " Snitches get stitches! " said the one that seemed to be the leader of the small group. "Really? Have you ever heard of the saying BITCHES get stitches?" replied Terra. (smart girl) All of the three barbies gasped. "Really? then how many stitches do you have?" replied one of them. "I actually have five. From being active and not a total white girl, that is. Now let me pass" "Why would we do that?" Ugh. Growled Terra. She ran past them and was about to make it to the principles office door until some one tripped her and she fell hard on her stomach. "Ouch! My stomach! That hurt!" she cried. "Really? I thought that you had enough fat in there to use as a cushion, but I guess you decided to suck it in today" said the blond one. All three picked up Terra and took her outside to the parking lot. The halls were empty so no one saw them. They beat up Terra and she had to go bandage herself up afterwards, nothing too serious though. Nothing broken at least. Teachers kept asking her what had happened, the three barbies didn't get in trouble though. They claimed that they were late for class and some thug came and tried to mug them, fortunately Terra came along and took a beating for them until they ran to some adults and got help. Since that day, they have been careful not to leave any marks on Terra's skin, so they pulled her hair instead. They also made cuts on her arms that looked like self harm scars so that Terra would be blamed for them.

~End of flash back~

Terra had been getting a strange feeling lately, like she wanted to take someones life away. She thought that it must be her life that she want's to take, I mean, she has been getting bullied a lot right? Terra decided not to go to school the next day, her parents weren't home so they didn't know. They were on a buissness trip. That night Terra thought things over. She decided not to go to school the next day either, or the week after that. What she didn't know was that, that week would change her life.

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