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They were all sitting on the floor around the coffee table in Yoongi's almost dark living room. It was September, the day when the news about him leaving to military service came out and the remaining members wanted to distract him even though they all had already talked about this several times to be mentally ready. Still, they wanted to be there for their hyung, they just wished Seokjin and Hoseok were there with them. And Taehyung too because even though he didn't go to military service yet, just like them, he was in Paris promoting Celine.

"Come on, hyung, get a little drunk." Namjoon was already tipsy and he wanted everyone to be a little bit just like him.

"You know I don't get drunk easily" Yoongi said as he drank from his whiskey glass. "but Jungkookie is keeping your pace."

Jimin laughed as he leaned towards Yoongi, his eyes disappeared as he laughed so hard looking at Jungkook who had red cheeks already due to the alcohol.

"I didn't eat breakfast today" Jungkook explained "and I kept up all night, I think I slept three hours or so"

"Why you never eat breakfast and stay up all night all the time?" Jimin asked "that's not healthy, Jungkookie"

"I know, I've been trying to change that but I feel alone some times now that we live by ourselves and the apartment feels huge just for myself so I go live to talk to Army. You should do it a little more, hyung." Jungkook said directly to Jimin.

"You know I don't do that anymore. I barely go live because it feels like you're talking to yourself. Besides, when you read the comments to try to chat you find all type of shit."

"Ah! Don't say that" Namjoon interfered "I know it can get annoying but you can always go live just to make them happy"

"That's true, though" Jimin agreed "I don't know, I just don't feel so comfortable anymore. I prefer to do it when there's another member with me. Besides, the last time I went live and I had brown hair I told them I didn't plan to dye my hair anymore and they were complaining in the comments saying something about my natural blond hair, what are they even saying?"

They all laughed and Jungkook added "Well, they have a point. Blond looks so good on you"

"Aish, don't say that" Jimin laughed.

"I've been going live because I wanted to give them as much happiness as I could after my last concerts. I knew what was coming and I didn't want them to feel too sad" Yoongi explained himself.

"At least you're going to be able to come home every night because of your shoulder" Namjoon said. "It's the only good thing that happened because of your injury. You can't do the heavy stuff. You're probably just going to do office jobs and come home afterwards"

"I know, I know" Yoongi drank a little more from his whiskey. The others did too, and little by little the four of them had red cheeks and laughed a bit too loud talking about nonsense.

"Look at Jungkook, he's wasted!" Namjoon laughed and Jimin fell to the floor while laughing. They were definitely drunk.

"I really need to go pee" Yoongi excused himself as he laughed a bit from the dizziness. He stood up and walked towards his bathroom.

"I'll go get some snacks, I'm suddenly so hungry" Jimin excused himself too as he walked towards the kitchet.

"I think I'll stay with hyung tonight because I feel too drunk to go home" Jungkook explained to Namjoon and the other hummed.

"You could always call one from the staff to take you home"

"You know I like to drive my own car, I try not to bother them a lot"

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 24, 2023 ⏰

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