A Water's Trial

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Soldier:Princess Coral


Soldier:We have your brother, and you and the rest of the elements have to watch his trial

Coral:Oh.. I'll be there in a moment

Tulip:You don't have to go, Coral

Coral:I have to..


Daniella:All rise. The court of the elements is now in session. Her majesty, Queen Aqua of the water kingdom, presiding.

Aqua:Thank you. We are gathered here today for the trial of, my son, prince River Water. We will determine once and for all if River has committed the evil deeds which left the wild kingdom a wreck.

Eleanor:If he is found guilty, the punishment will be, banished him from the 5 kingdoms.

Nero:Well that's all in order. But what are they doing here? Isn't this a private hearing?

Eathen:Since this is a big trial, all the elements have to be present, including our kids

Daniella:Um. Nero what evidence have you given us?

Nero:I hate to say this, but, this is the evidence. There's more too.

Eathen:There's no way around it, grab a stack every one

Blaze:We don't seriously have to sit here and read all of this?

River:I don't mean to fuss, but how long is this trial meant to last?

Eleanor:As long as it takes... to begin, we must organize everything by date AND author

Darien:I like reading but this is not my cup of tea

River:That won't be necessary. I request trial by Box.

Coral:Riv, are you sure about this? Box is a ruthless seeker of truth. If you try to conceal anything from it, let's just say banishing will be the last of your worries

River:I'm not going to sit around and wait for you all to decide my fate, I'll give you the truth, all of it, and if it means sending me away, then so be it

Aqua:Sean, we wish to do trial by.. Box...

Sean:Right away. The Box of Truth has arrived!

Blaze:Wait, is that Truth or Punishment?

Eathen:Who? No, this is Box of Truth

Coral:No, that's is Truth or Punishment

Tulip:We played it at Rose's sleepover

Eleanor:You played it? But's it's not a game!

Box:Who do you have a crush on?

Aqua:It might be on the wrong setting

Box:Prepare for judgement!

Aqua:The rules are simple, each element is allowed to ask one question and the accused must answer

Box:To all whom seek the path of knowledge, listen well to this decree, surrender to the eye of justice, swear an oath of truth to me.

Aqua:I swear

Eleanor:I swear

Eathen:I swear

Nero:I swear

Darien:I swear

Coral:I swear

Tulip:I swear

Blaze:I swear

Rose:I swear

River:I swear

Box:And now, it's time for trial by Box!

Daniella:River, did you wire the plan to get rid of all wilds

Box:Exhibit A

River:Yes, I did, but for the record, I never called it the "plan to get rid of the wilds". That was your name for it. I wrote plenty of ways to get rid of them, that never even made it into the final draft. Writing is rewriting, you know?


Nero:Box, pull up the archives for me, would ya? Did you become friends with a person from the wild kingdom just so your plan would be easy?

River:No. He was my real friend and I would have made an exception for him


Nero:Did you like him?

River:What?! Um, yes... no... I never figured it out really..


Aqua:For the last question, I will let Coral ask it

Coral:River, are you sorry for what you've done?

River:No. one moment, I haven't asked my question

Darien:He gets a question?

Coral:It's in the rules

Eleanor:Since River is still an element he does get to ask one.

River:What did you do to my friend?


Box:To bad, everyone lied!

Nova:Come on! What did you guys do?!

Nero:Technology I didn't do anything

Daniella:it was us! We banished him!

Coral:Riv, was right. I mean think about it, why would the wilds banish someone for being friends with a Water, then they're just as bad as River is saying! I'm out.

In Coral's room

River:Cory, I'm sorry.

Coral:Hold on, I'm getting a text.


Coral:Love ya, brother but my text are WAY more important

Both:* laughing*

They both soon hug

River:Missed you sis

Coral:Same here, little brother

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