Important things to remember

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1. Don't push yourself as a Gachatuber to finish tons of projects at once, work at your own speed, and make sure your projects are what you want them to be, and make sure you are happy with them!! I do Pmtok, gravity falls, etc. content, but you can do whatever works best for you!! Or whatever you want!!

2. NEVER!! EVER!! COPY SOMEBODY'S VIDEO OR REPOST!! This could accidentally bring you into some online drama or unknown beef with the original creator!! As Gachatubers we try to stay as friendly as we can, and not copy, steal, or take advantage of someone's hard work, we don't know how long this took them, or what they are going through!! 

3. Always support your fans or other Gachatubers, and help them if they need help! A community as big as this, we have to help each other, and help them through hard times, we never know what a person is going through!! 

4. Don't be a Gachaheater! This consists of content a child shouldn't be seeing, THIS IS A CHILDREN'S DRESS UP GAME FOR BILL CIPHER'S SAKE!!

Stay happy, stay healthy, and I will see you all soon!! :3

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