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Everyone was tense.

A stranger from space had just erupted through a portal and was holding a very deadly-looking weapon, a spear with a bright blue gem. Most of the agents had their guns out and aimed at the stranger. But she did not; she had no need for weapons.

Eira was here at the facility where the Tesseract was located. It had been acting up and Fury decided it would be best to bring her with them. She hardly ever got to go anywhere so she was quite excited to be in a new place but now she dreaded the potential fight headed her way; a fight being the only reason she was here so she could deal with it. Loki was her fight but she didn't want to fight.

Loki, the man from space, might be a villain but she'd rather try to sue for peace than make a future on bloody battles. She might not have really known him, but she knew he wanted to rule Earth. And she thought she might have better luck appealing to his good side if he felt like a ruler.

So she made the first move.

When Loki slowly stood from the ground he knelt on, she put herself in front of him and she picked at the ends of her shirt as sweat formed on her forehead. She slowly knelt down to both of her knees. The God regarded her curiously as did everyone else in the room.

She didn't look up at him; she thought he'd see it as a challenge if she met his eyes. She spoke, her voice almost a whisper, "You don't have to hurt anyone."

The tip of the spear was used to raise her chin, pointing her head upwards to look at him. When he pulled the spear away, the edge nicked her skin and she winced. Blood poured out but she didn't glare pointedly or show hatred in her features; she didn't have it in her. In a way, she understood all villains had a reason they acted the way they did.

But he glared. His stare was so full of anger and hatred, she wondered what his story was to make him this way.

"Oh, but I do," he smirked. "And I'll start with you, mortal."

He aimed the spear at her and a wave of blue energy fired at her at the same time that green vines quickly grew out of the ground. The vines grabbed his ankles before throwing him across the room away from her. He was thrown at the same time he fired which threw his aim off but the wave of energy still hit her and sent her flying backwards.

She hit a bunch of tables as she was flung backwards and she landed harshly on an upturned chair thats edge caught her in the ribs. She winced and was slow to recover.

But Loki was quick to recover. This time she wasn't in the way and agents fired at him but the bullets did nothing to him. Loki fired back with the spear, a blue wave of energy emitting from the gem, and almost hitting Fury but Clint knocked him out of the way just in time. Loki was fast on his feet and disposed of the rest of the agents in no time.

Clint was the last agent and he went to pull his gun to stop Loki but the God caught him by the wrist as he stated, "You have heart."

Loki put the tip of the spear on Clint's chest and a smaller form of blue energy seemed to be absorbed into the agent's skin. His eyes turned completely black before his eyes came back only they weren't his eyes. They were a weird, bright blue like the gem. And Clint reholstered his gun; he was now under Loki's control.

         Loki turned his attention to her as she brought herself to her feet. He seemed to be weighing his options. He knew he couldn't get to close to her to use the mind stone as her natural abilities would protect her. His grip tightened on the spear and he smiled wickedly, "You have the powers of a Goddess yet you don't use them properly. With me, you could unlock all of your talents."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 24, 2023 ⏰

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