Interrogating the Newly Captured

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It was a struggle to write this chapter, as I had to rewrite it 5 or 6 times. But I hope it turned out well. I never thought it would be so difficult... Anyway, tell me if I did something wrong.

The next day after the celebration, Kamek received reports about a human having arrived in the Mushroom Kingdom, and who had allied with the princess. Quickly, he teleported to where Bowsette was playing the piano.


Upon hearing him, Bowsette instantly stopped playing some music, and took a breath before asking, clearly upset at being interrupted. - "What?"

"The report from our intelligence. A mustachioed human has arrived in the Mushroom Kingdom." - Kamek began, only to be interrupted by an angry snort from Bowsette. She then turned to him, glaring angrily. He took a deep breath and continued. - "The princess has been training him. They are up to something, dame!"

The queen of koopas sat silently, until she patted the bench next to her. - "Sit. Jam with me." - once Kamek sits down, Bowsette starts playing the Underground Theme, while Kamek plays the coin sound effect.

Bowsette then began to question. - "This, uh, human. Where did he come from?" - "We... aren't sure?" - Kamek replied, a little nervous. - "How tall is he?" - "Hmm, he must be about 5'1 or something." - "Is he as strong as he looks?"

"I don't think so. Because he's really short." - Kamek assured, smiling nervously. - "So what's the point of this princess training a human who can't beat me? It won't stay like that!" - after growling in anger, Bowsette promptly slams the piano lid on Kamek's fingers, causing Kamek to scream in pain.

"Find out who he is, and WHAT THEY'RE PLANNING!!!" - Bowsette ordered, as her eyes glowed with fury and hatred. With that, she rose elegantly from the bench and stomped towards the stairs. Kamek, even though he was groaning in pain, nodded.

"I'm on it, dame. May I lift the cover?"

"Not yet. Pain is the best teacher." - she replied, disappearing from sight, leaving Kamek to suffer.


After a long journey, the balloon finally arrived at its destination. Immediately, the Snifti swooped down and pulled Luigi along, while the other two from the group of Shy Guys followed. As they walked down the hallway, Luigi felt intimidated by large statues of a creature that appeared to have the appearance of a giant woman, but with large horns, a spiked hoof, and sharp teeth.

In one of the tugs, his hat covered his vision, so he didn't know where he was going. The last tug of the rope on his wrists sent him tumbling to the ground.

"We found him in the Dark Lands." - Snifit announced, as Luigi got up from the ground.

On her throne, Bowsette had watched him, with pure interest emerging in her face. The human, in turn, looked at her scared. - "Leave him to me." - Bowsette ordered, smiling, as she rose and descended slowly from the throne.

As he saw her descending towards him, Luigi found himself panicking as he looked around and cowered in fear. As she got closer, he realized that she was the giant woman represented in those statues present in the room. Suddenly, Kamek teleported beside him, and with his wand, he undid the human's restraints, wrapped him in magic and forcibly took him to Bowsette.

As soon as he stopped in front of her, he saw how big and intimidating she was, although her human appearance also made her charming.

"What is your name, human?" - Bowsette questioned him as she spun him around.

"Uh... Luigi." - he replied, laughing awkwardly, while trying to maintain eye contact with her.

"Not sure if you know who I am, but I'm about to rule the world." - she replied, facing Luigi, who was uncomfortable and scared. Then she brought one of her hands to his chin, making him even more nervous. - "Wow, uh... Yay..."

"But there's one problem, Luigi:" - she pointed out, while fiddling with his hat. - "There's a human traveling with my faker. Has a mustache, just like you. Do you know him...?" - Bowsette pointed as she held his face and fiddled with the green plumber's mustache.

"No! No! And what do you mean by faker?" - Luigi looked very uncomfortable as he responded and asked.

Bowsette noticed he was hesitant to respond, so she decided to go with another tactic. - "Ah, tough one, I see. I didn't want to do this, but maybe THIS will get you to talk!" - with that, she pulled a strand of Luigi's mustache, making him gasp in fear.

"Do you think I know every human being with a mustache wearing an identical outfit with a hat with the letter of his first name on it?! Uh, because I don't."

With that disheartening response, Bowsette pulled his hair, making him shriek in pain. But instantly, she grabbed him by the collar of his shirt and tugged on his whole mustache.

"DO YOU KNOW HIM?!" - she shouted, losing her temper. After a few seconds of pain, Luigi gave in and responded.

"Gah! STOP! STOP! STOP, STOP, STOP! I know him! Yes, I know him! Yeah, he's my brother, Mario, and he's the best guy in the world!" - with that, he started crying.

Fortunately, with that answer, the tug on his mustache was eased, but Bowsette still had one more question. - "Do you think he is capable of defeating ME?!"


Seeing the human crying before her made Bowsette feel bad for some reason. Then, she gently placed him on the ground, as she headed towards the guards present there. - "You guys, get him out of here, right now."

Instantly, the two Koopa guards did as asked and retreated with a confused and still scared Luigi. As soon as they were out of sight, Kamek addressed her. - "Dame, what are you going to do with him?" - in response, the queen of the Koopas just replied.

"I'm not sure yet. But make sure he's in a room or something. I'll think about what to do with him later." - then her uncertain expression changed to irritated. - "If this Mario thinks he's that tough to face me, then let him be ready to fall!"

The next chapter may take a little longer, as I will need to think a lot. I will accept any idea you have.

If Bowsette Was In The Super Mario Bros. MovieWhere stories live. Discover now