When Unlucky Meets Sunshine (They have a sleepover)

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(This is also uploaded on my AO3 account lil_b1rdd)

When Bennett decided to go hunting for Sunsettias at 10 o'clock, it wasn't until he fell out of a fairly large tree when he realized he should've waited until morning.

In hindsight, it was a really bad idea to go through with, especially for someone of Bennett's luck. He knew this would happen. He should have been more responsible.

Bennett groans and rubs his sore shoulder blade as he limps away with no clear idea of where he was going. He had hit multiple branches on the way down that tree and he's pretty sure he dislocated something. His condition was pretty bad and he didn't want to bother Barbara at this time of night.  There was only one other person he was willing to go to. He sighed. Guess he had no choice.

~10:48 PM~

Bennett stood at the doorstep, fidgeting and hesitating when he raised his hand to the door. I don't even know if he's awake right now. What if he gets mad at me for interrupting his sleep? What if he's making out with that adeptus? Bennett cringed and forced that image out of his mind.

About two minutes later, he finally decided to suck it up and knock. He raised the hand on his non-dislocated arm and firmly knocked exactly four times on the door. Suddenly all the doubt the boy had earlier had all come back and hit him like a wrecking ball.

What am I thinking? I should have just gone to Barbara at the cathedral. What if he just doesn't want to be bothered? He's probably not even going to answ-

Just as he was getting ready to turn around and walk away, the door opened and there was the honorary knight, in all his beautiful glory.

One of the many things the traveller was known for was being.. pretty. Much more beautiful than the average adventurer. It was surprising how the traveller kept his composure with all the exercise he does on a daily basis. Said traveller was currently wearing a yellow bath robe that almost matched the shade of his hair which was wet from the shower they just took, and undone from the usual braid and was sprawled across his back and shoulders. Bennett, in his flustered and blushing state, somehow managed to stutter out a singular word.

"H-hi" was the word. Pathetic, right?

The traveller raised his eyebrow and looked the boy up and down. Bennett flushed and fidgeted under the powerful honorary knight's gaze. When Aether was done, he huffed at Bennett and gave him a judgmental look.

"I-im really sorry to bother you this late at night, I just, I fell out of a tree and- I mean- if you want me to just go and leave you alone, that's fine, I can just go visit some nurse at the cathedral and they can-" Bennett was cut off by Aether grabbing him by his wrist and pulling him back into his room before he could back away any further.

The traveller's place was quite neat besides the occasional hairbrush or hair tie. Of course, there was also the screaming, floating toddler on the bed, so there's that.

"Bennett?" The fairy squealed. "Just what do you think you're doing here, mister? Do you think just because you fell out of some stupid tree you'll gain our sympathy? Why couldn't you just go to Barbara or your wolf boyfriend? Why-"

"Paimon." Suddenly, the traveller spoke, which cut the fairy off, since the traveller doesn't speak often. "It's fine." He looked back at the injured teenager to take in his state. "How about you- um- gather wolfhooks or painkillers or something just in case."

And then Paimon started squealing again, not at all taking the two's eardrums into consideration. "Just in case? You want Paimon to go out of her way to get some shit you might need just in case??"

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 25, 2023 ⏰

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