The little girl and old lady

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(~we all love our grandma's~)

A little girl named Lily. Every summer, she eagerly anticipated visiting her grandma's cozy cottage nestled amidst a vibrant garden filled with fragrant flowers and towering trees. Lily's grandma, a kind and gentle soul, always greeted her with warm hugs and delicious treats.

Days were spent in blissful joy—tending to the garden, baking cookies, and sharing endless stories. Lily adored her grandma's tales of adventures from long ago and cherished the wisdom woven within them.

But one summer, things changed. Lily noticed her grandma's laughter grew quieter, her steps slower. Grandma's bright eyes seemed clouded, and she tired easily. Lily sensed something was amiss but didn't understand what.

As the days passed, Grandma grew frail, spending more time resting in her favorite rocking chair. Lily held her hand, reading stories aloud, trying to bring comfort to her beloved grandmother.

One fateful morning, Lily woke up to an eerie silence in the cottage. Rushing to Grandma's room, she found her peacefully asleep, but Grandma didn't wake up this time. The realization hit Lily hard—her grandma had passed away in her sleep.

Tears streamed down Lily's cheeks as she hugged her grandma for the last time. The cottage that once felt so alive now seemed empty and quiet. Lily's heart ached with the absence of her guiding light.

In the days that followed, the cottage felt lonely, but Lily held onto the memories of laughter, love, and warmth shared with her grandma. She found solace in Grandma's garden, tenderly caring for the flowers and trees they once nurtured together.

Though her grandma was no longer physically present, Lily carried her spirit within, cherishing the lessons, love, and beautiful moments they shared. With time, Lily found comfort in the memories and the wisdom her grandma had imparted, knowing that her love would always linger in her heart.

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