This is another urban story. Don't read my story if you can't handle mature scenes like fighting, cursing, and sexual shit. I do hope you guys enjoy. I'm trying something new by writing in the third person. Please vote and comment telling me what you think.
H o l d Y o u D o w n - 1
"It started when we were younger" - Usher feat. Alicia Keys, "My Boo"
"I'll promise your going to like this new game," De'shawn said, as he unbuckled his pants looking at the scared young girl on the worn out bed.
Trinity pulled her knees to her chest and wrapped her arms around her legs. She knew the games De'shawn and her was playing was wrong. She was young but she most definitely wasn't dumb. She tried to tell her foster mother about her son, but she just got a slapped to the face and been called a lying whore.
How was it her fault that at a young age her body matured faster than the other girls in the foster home.
She prayed at night to God, or her mother to come save her before De'shawn comes into her room at night and wants to play those dirty games. But after the sixth night of not getting an answer from God, or her mother not showing back up to pick her back up like she promise when she dropped her off in this hell hole, she gave up.
Fuck them both.
Trinity was taken out her thought when De'shawn pulled on her leg. "Please," she begged, tears coming to her eyes. "Just leave me alone,"
A sadistic smile came across De'shawn face. "I can never leave me pretty girl alone,"
De'shawn was fully naked now and his member was standing at attention.
De'shawn grabbed both of her small wrist with his large hand and pulled them over her head. He kissed her lips then slowly started making his way down her neck to nibble and suck on it. There will definitely be a visible hickie on her coffee brown skin.
De'shawn moved his free hand up from her leg up to her b cup breast. He roughly grabbed her breast as he sucked harder on her neck. "Time to get you out these clothes,"
Trinity silently cried, and crossed her arms over her chest as she felt De'shawn pull down her pants over her legs.
She didn't have any underwear on because her foster mother didn't wash her laundry once again.
De'shawn licked his lips. "I see you was already ready for me,"
She shook her head and closed her eyes hoping it was all a dream but once she felt De'shawn hot breath on her second pair of lips she knew it wasn't a dream but pure reality.
"What the hell is going on?" Jasmine, the foster mother couldn't believe what she was seeing.
Her thirty year old son was hovering over her thirteen year old foster child.
Trinity curled herself into a ball and cried harder as De'shawn jumped off the bed like he just been burned.
"Mom, it's not what you think," he said, as he searched for his pants.
"I know exactly what this look like," Jasmine said, as she rushed over to the bed and pulled Trinity by her long jet black hair until her body hit the floor with a 'thump'. "You're trying to seduce my son, I don't want your ass in this house no more,"
Trinity jumped up. "What?" Trinity screamed in disbelief. "Where am I suppose to go?"
"I don't give a fuck where you go as long as your ass ain't in this house an hour from now," Jasmine said, as she walked back out the room.
Jasmine knew it wasn't Trinity fault but she couldn't accept her only child like touching little girls, ignorance is truly bliss.
Trinity looked at her disappearing back in disbelief, didn't she see his son about to her rape me?
Trinity looked over at a smirking De'shawn face. "While it was nice while it lasted," And with that he walked our the room.
Trinity looked around the small card board box look a like room and angry took over her. She went and put her pants back on. She didn't need them, she didn't need anyone. She grabbed her book bag and went to her dresser throwing clothes into the bag.
She looked around the room to make sure she had everything, but something caught her attention. Next to her bed was an old picture of her mom. She picked up the picture and looked at it for a few seconds before she ripped it into tiny little piece that even tape couldn't put it back together.
Trinity walked out the room and down the hallway into the kitchen. She knew she needed money, and Jasmine kept her wallet in the kitchen on the kitchen table.
Trinity saw the old brown wallet and picked it up. She opened it to see it was about five hundred dollars in it. She probably just got a check from welfare, Trinity knew the money was mostly likely to buy food for the other foster kids but right about now she didn't care, she took the money out the wallet and stuffed it in her pocket as she threw the wallet back on the table.
Trinity walked outside and onto her new home, the streets.
Three weeks pasted and the money she had was going down fast. Who knew food could cost so much money.
Trinity stayed in a hotel room for one night before she had to start sleeping in the parks at night time. She could barely get any sleep outside because she felt someone was gonna sneak up on her.
She knew she stank because she could smell herself. You would of thought someone would of said something to this young thirteen year old girl but everybody pasted by her like it was an everyday thing to see a child on the street, this was the hood for you.
It was dark time, and it was real windy for some reason tonight, Trinity didn't pack a jacket so she had to wrap her arms around herself.
Footsteps made her snap her head to the left where she thought they were coming from, who would be in the park at this time of night?
She got her answer when she saw a boy who looked like he was about two years older than her running towards her way with a black duffle bag in his arms. She couldn't really get a good look at him.
There eyes connected for a moment and she felt her heart beat fast a little. The moment was over when she heard gun shoots and voices yelling.
The boy stopped short and looked around till his eyes fall upon a big bush that he jumped behind.
Trinity wasn't about to be seen either so she quickly gather her things and hide behind a tree.
The footsteps stopped, but she still heard people whispering. Finally she heard the footsteps moving away from there direction probably going father into the park.
Trinity slowly took looked around the tree and saw nobody. She got her stuff and put it back on the park bench.
"Hey," she softly called. "They're gone,"
The boy popped his head out from the bush, and looked both ways before he got up and walked over to me. "Thanks," he said, as he dusted his clothes off.
"For what," Trinity questioned.
"For not ratting me out,"
Trinity just nodded her head and sat back down on her bench.
"What's your name?"
Trinity looked at the boy like he was crazy. "Why you wanna know?"
"I gotta know the name of the person I owe a favor to," he said, smiling showing a tiny gap between his teeth.
"What's your name," Trinity shot back, but also really wanting to know the boy name.
"Chance," he replied, as he looked at his watch and then he cursed. "I gotta go but I'll see you around..."
"Trinity," Trinity finished for him.
He was already walking backwards in the direction he came from in the first place. "Yeah, we will meet again Trinity,"
Trinity watched as he turned around and sprinted off, into the darkness.

Hold You Down
Teen FictionYour suppose to hold your man down no matter what..right?That's exactly what Trinity been doing for Chance since they we're little kids, she's always had his back. Now Chance is a major drug Kingpin making big moves, and he's been changing and is ha...