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I miss my coco butter kisses hope you smile when u listen aint no competition just competing for attention-Kaash paige

I miss my coco butter kisses hope you smile when u listen aint no competition just competing for attention-Kaash paige

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Jamaica nash aceves

No ones pov:
You and blu had gotten into a argument about him eating all your ice cream 😒
And u thought it was funny but he got all in his feelings about it and he's ignoring you

Jamaicas pov:
"Paaa im sorry"


You then sat on his lap facing him cuz yk he loves when u do that
Even THAT didn't work you kissed him hoping It would work thankfully it did 🤗 he kissed back "are u still mad baby?" You asked him just to make sure (even tho he actin like HE'S the one who didn't eat MY ice cream)  "yeah"   "Blu u actin like u not the one who didn't eat my ice cream"   (AND THATS ON WHAT?)  he ignored u again "BLUUUUUU" he took u off him
And went to his room to stream

Time skip hoe⚡️🏃🏾‍♀️💨

It was 1 hour later and you were bored and blu was still ignoring u,u decided to go on live and  u were in the living room playing music and then the song F.N.F by glorilla started playing ofc u started to shake that phat ass😝😝😝  blu heard it and as soon as you saw him u stood straight and stiff (like yk when yo parents randomly come in yo room to check on u when u on yo phone and u supposed to be asleep and then u just pull that move? it was like dat but she stood stiff ykwim? ANYWAYS)  "what were u doin?" "Nothinnn" u said nervously "jamaica nash aceves. sfpwm what were u doing."
(OH HE MAD MAD)  "nothinggg"  "get off live now." "Send help pls" u whispered to the live then u got off.he got off stream "why u fuckin playin wit me huh?" He now had his hand around your neck (not like in a physical way but in like a seggsual way ykwim?)  "sorry"
He layed u on the bed and did some unholy things i shall not speak of but u can imagine it

You guys ended the night wit u laying on him and his hands on dat phat ass😝😝

Authors note:send me some requests cuz imma run out real soon

Authors note:send me some requests cuz imma run out real soon

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Wtf did they do to my man😭😭😭 NOW GO WASH YA BUM

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