Chapter One

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Bzz. I hear my phone buzzing in my bag. Hmm, must be Tony or Rose. They can wait another minute, I'm in the middle of a history test. Yeah, I already have it done and turned in. Just I am not risking my grade by taking out my phone. You might ask what the big deal is about my grade. Simple, its my senior year of high school and I cant fail this class. I am lucky to even have the B+ in this class from extra credit and coming in out of class to get help on my homework. Otherwise I am pretty sure I'd be failing. Bzz, bzz. Gah dang it. Just 30 more seconds. RIIIIIIIING!
Finally. I fish out my phone out of my bag while heading out of the classroom. I unlock my phone noticing that I got from my best friend Rosana Marie Thime. Sometimes I get jealous of how she looks, because she looks like Doutzen Kroes, but she says I look like Cara Delevingne in response. Oh well back to what she texted me.
Rose: Hey. Hey you.
Rose: i have something you should know before you see your soon to be ex.
Me: sorry rose, i had a history test you know the know phones out what so ever rule during test.
Rose: yea, at any rate. Tony Bier Hill has cheated on my bff. And not only that but with Angiline.
Me: wait, with Ben's sister?
Rose: yes! I found out from my benny bear. He messaged me saying that she just told him that tony and her were together.
Well that explains why Tony has been avoiding me lately. I turn the corner to head to my locker and find Tony there with Angiline Mia Post. Also I find Benjiman Mark Post and Rose, glaring at the two of them. When me and Rose first met Ben and Tony was back in freshman year when me and Rose were in our cheerleaders days. Seemed like just yesterday when the head of the football team and baseball team approached us. Tony who looked like Ben Allen (and still does) came up to me and asked me out after flirting with me for about a half hour. Well looks like I wasn't worth his time.
Tony finally noticed me standing there and asked, " Hey everything alright there Syd? You seem to be spacing of. What you thinking about angel?"
I just glare at him and push past him and Angiline. I then proceed to ask him, " First of all i am not your angel so don't call me that, and secondly why don't you ask your new girlfriend what she is thinking. Since obviously im not important to you."
I go to grab my book but its not in my locker. Tony tapps my shoulder.
" I believe this is what your looking for, and Syd i don't know what your talking about?"
I grab my book from him shutting my locker in the process. I am about to respond to him when Rose speaks up, "Tony don't act like that, Sydney knows about you and Angiline. And Angiline you should be ashamed of yourself for taking Syd's boyfriend, yes you look like Anais Pouliot, but seriously keep your hands to yourself."
I look over at Ben, and notce he is trying really hard not to laugh at the moment, because his girlfriend is yelling at his younger sister.
"Ben what is your imput on this?" I ask him. He looks at me smiling.
"Well, knowing you, you probably are going to break up with Tony. And really he should be glad thats all you most likely will do. Unless Rose some how convinces you to do something. As for Tony, you cheat on her once like you did Sydney then i will beat the crap out of you. And Angiline i already told mom and dad, so be prepared to bring Tony and his parents over tonight for dinner is what they said."
Rose just smiles knowing more about what Angiline and Tony will be going through with Ben's parents. I always was glad that Ben and her have been together for this long, especially since that if it wasn't for him, i could swear the school would be on fire by now. Also because they love and look great together. As i've mentioned earlier she looks like Doutzen Kroes but he looks like Andrew Westermann. So yeah, those two are the school idol relationship.
"Sydney, hello Syd. Yeah so are you going to break up with Tony."
Tony just glares at Rose in response, honestly though not once has he denied cheating and he has plenty of time here to do so. I face him knowing what im going to say now.
"Well, Tony i hope you're happy with cheating on me. And when you get her pregnant don't expect me to be there to help. Good bye. I'll see you Rose and Ben."
I walk away with those parting words and head to my next class thinking about later today after school. Oh yeah, my parents are going to sleep over at our new neighbor's house while their children sleepover at ours. And the only reason this happened is because Rose suggested it to my parents. But because of this, ben and rose are coming to sleepover also. Rose told me not to worry about a thing, and that she will plan out the whole sleepover. So maybe this will turn out well. I walk into my class with the intent of sitting where i normally sit, but there is someone new sitting there with a few of the girls firting, and failing, with him. I admit that yeah this guy looks great, he looks like Arthur Gosse for goodness sakes. But he is in my seat. So i walk up to him pushing my way through the group of girls, getting snide remarks saying wait your turn. I just flip them off not giving a shit and then turn towards the new dude.
"Hi, my name is Sydney Ria Lynn and your in my spot. I don't mean to be rude since your new and all. But honestly im having a bad day and thes girls here are just going to annoy me with there bitchy attitude since i pushed them just now and i would really love if you let me have my spot back."
He looks at me and smiles where before when i approached him, he seemed irritated.
"Hi my name is Adrian Dimka Ross. And since i can tell ill already like you. Ill let you have this spot." He then leans forward next to my ear whispering, " on th condition that you report to your parents tomorrow that my sister and I were on our best behavior tonight and yoh also get rid of these girls who are also getting on my last nerve."
He sits back and smiles. So this is one of of the kids coming over tonight. Alright fair enough deal. I smirk and then turn around and just glare at all the girls around us. Some could say that in certain situations my glares are enough to kill. The girls around us see that im giving one of those glares, and take off to there seats trying to get as far away from me as possible. I turn back towards Adrian and smile as he has a shocked face on.
"I believe we have a deal, yes"
"Yes, sorry just that was quick. Do you have a reputation for killing someone because I think you could kill them with your glare and me with how beautiful you are." He says this while getting out of my seat and sitting in the one next to it. I look at him, as if to say really. "Real smooth there Ross. But i am not going to fall for your flirting as quick as you probably would like."
"Oh really, and why do you asume i am flirting with you. Maybe I am just giving a complement."
"Please, it's not like I haven't been told that, by my ex. So yeah I reconize it as flirting. And honestly i just broke up with my ex where he was cheating on me. So please try not to flirt with me."
I turn away from him where i see the teacher walk in right as the minute bell rings. The teacher, just so happens to be my cousin, so i've always found that this class ends up being my favorite for two reasons. One reason why is because this class is literally just reading what we want as long as we are able to write a detailed persuasive essay on the book. And the second is, because my cousin teaches. As soon as i found out she got a job at my school, i picked the class she had for seniors. My cousin and i are really close, especially because her and i were the ones to help our grandmother in her final years when we found out she had breast cancer. I grab my book from my bag to get started reading right as the bell rings for class to start.
"Scarlet Letter, nice even though i would prefer the Crucible myself. Are you a fan of the classics dear Sydney?"
"A few, yes. And i never said i never enjoyed the Crucible. I am just currently reading the Scarlet Letter is all. And do you even have a book to read?"
"No, i thought that this class had a required book list to read so i didn't bring any of my books."
"Not to be rude but you don't seem the type to read books, like thats great if you do. Just you don't seem like one."
I look forward at my cousins where she is walking towards me and Adrian. Shoot we were talking to loud otherwise she wouldn't have that smirk on her face.
"Sydney i see you have your book. And you must be Adrian. I'm Miss. Thimble. I am glad to see that you have met my star student and cousin. But please no talking unless its about books and asking for a writing utensil and paper. Alright?"
"Yes mam, I am sorry. Just i was about to ask if Sydney had an extra book i could read. And we were talking about books. We were talking about the similarities between the Scarlet Letter and the Crucible. And how the Crucible is based of real events from the witchcraft trials."
"Yes, that is true. Now i wasn't trying to say you were in trouble. Just was letting you know my rules in class since your new. And im sur Sydney ere has book you can borrow." She looks at me and winks then proceeds to head to the front of the classroom. I shake my head wondering if my cousin just indicated I should be with this dude. I sigh and look in my bag for a book to give Adrian. Hmm, Julius Caesar or Where the Red Fern Grows. I'll give him Julius Caesar. I hand him my copy of the book, and go back to reading my book.
I just flipped the page tonthe next chapter when RIIIIIIIING, the bell rings making me fall out of my seat. I glare it the bell next to the clock wondering why this class when by so quickly.
"You know as much as laying on the floor sounds great right now, this is a school." I look away from the clock towards Adrian and get up.
"Yeah, i know that. I just was really into the book is all and the bell scared me is all."
"I'm sorry. You okay, because you looked like you hit your head pretty bad there. Oh and here is your book mam."
"Yeah, im fine. Thanks for returning my book."
I get up and and start heading out the door waving to my cousin. When i get into the hall i start heading to the café that our school spent money to have last year, i must admit the school spent it on something that is worth it this time. Because the only way students can use it is if they stay in school so, it keeps the pesky kids in so that way they benefit from it in two ways. One i mentioned, keeps students in class. The other well the school gets a profit of it. When i get there to meet up with Rose and Ben, i notice they aren't alone. Not only is my brother Dave there, but another girl who seems to have a death grip on Dave. I sigh and walk over and grab a chair to sit by them at the booth.
"Anabella who are you hanging on to?" I fall out of my chair not realizing that Adrian followed me here. Woah stars and black is not good. And I'm out.

Letters to Thy LoveOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora