Chapter Two

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I see a figure in the mirror but i don't need to look to see who it is, because i know it's my love. Our parents, well more like His parents wouldn't aprove of me. So we see each other in secret when He is home. And lately i am scared that i won't see Him when he leaves this time. Especially since i hear they plan on drafting all eligible men into this war. I hate it. I hate war. And He knows that. My best friend is the only other person who knows about us, and also who i feel about the war.
"Sydney, whats wrong. You normally are so happy when i am home. But this time you haven't said a word. Tell me my love what is wrong."
I hear him walking over to me by my desk and massages my shoulders and then kisses my check. I know i should tell him my worries but, i also know that it will do no good. I know that if he is chosen to go to war there is not a single force that could keep him from going.
"Syd, are you going to talk to me. Have i done something wrong?"
"No, i was just lost in thought. I am fine....

I sit up with a start, i don't know what that was but that was weird. Sigh, i look around me and find I'm at home in my room on my bed. When did i get here, and how? oh yeah that's right i blacked out. Wait what time is it, i frantically look at my alarm clock and find that school is over. Knock knock.
"Come in."
"Nice to see your alive Sydney. What happened back at lunch, and why was your forehead bleading so bad. The nurse had your parents come pick you up early because of how unconscious you were. Are you okay?"
"Wait slow down, i was bleading?"
"Yes, now why?"
"It could be because i hit my head hard twice in one day." I mumbled, but she heard me. I could tell by the way her eyebrows raised and gave me a questioning look. I ignored her and started heading down stairs where i find Ben, Dave, Adrian, and the girl from earlier that apparently is Anabella who is Adrian's sister.
"You know Adrian, it is rude to sneek up on people like you did earlier. I was startled and fell out of my chair from the scare. And apparently my head was bleading, probably ended up hitting it on a corner of a table or chair."
"I'm sorry, i wasn't planning on scaring you. It's just my sister already has taken a liking to your brother. And the same with him only with her." I must admit Adrian is cute when he looks pissed like that. Oh gog, what am i thinking. I barely even know him for crying out loud.
"As if you could complain Adrian, it's pretty obvious that you like Sydney already." I look up at Anabella surprised that she would say that but then i look at Adrian and see a slight blush dusting his cheeks. Awwww, so adorable. Gah not these thoughts again. I see Rose trying not to laugh and i give her a look as if to say what is so funny. She just smiles at me and goes sits down by Ben.
"Are you going to come sit down Sydney. We can't start without you."
"Yeah, I'm coming. What exactly are we doing anyway."
"Well if you would take a seat by Adrian then you could find out quicker." I look at her wondering what sort of evil plan tdoes my bff have up her sleve this time. Oh well, just stsy calm Sydney. Whats the worse she could do, spin the bottle. I sit by Adrian and face towards Rose waiting on her instruction.
"As you all know i have been put in charge of tonights game, so let us begin. I have three envelopes which just so happen to be color coded based off the three floors in this house. And since we already seem to have our teams made, its saves time for the game. Now you may wonder what game we are playing, we are playing a form of scavenger hunt. You see the items on the list inside the envelope, are easily able to be found but what you need to do is find something from that object that seems interesting to both partners and you have to agree on that item to bring back. The items you bring back and a ready reasoning for each is how we will see who wins. Alright? Good now i will let dear Sydney choose the first envelope for her and Adrian to go find there items. Then Anabella will go next, and Ben and I will get the remaining." Rose then took out three envelopes. One was green, the next was purple, and the last one was pink. I reached out and grabbed the green, Anabella grabbed the pink. Which left the purple to rose.
"Now that we have chosen, i will tell you the floor and the color. Green is the top floor otherwise known as the attic. Purple is th basement. And pink is the main floor. Now everyone scat."
I look at Adrian and motion to follow me up to the attic slash floor where my room was. And brought Adrian into the attic. I took the list out to read it and it only had one thing on it. It read: The chest on the desk. Adrian read it to and looked around for the desk. When i spotted it, i went over to take a closer look and realized that it was the desk that my grandmother got from her mother. It is a family heirloom that got passed to me, i didn't really know why we passed it on. But oh well, i notice the chest and see that it is locked. I look around for a key but i don't see any around, im about to give up when i notice Adrian looking at my neck. I look down and notice the necklace im wearing. It also was given as a heirloom and my grandmother were it on all the time. So now i were it to feel closer to her. Thats when i notice why Adrian was staring at it. It's because it looked like a perfect fit for the chest. I take the key of from around my neck and find that it fits and i turn the key. The chest opens, and when it does a few very old pieces of paper fall out. Adrian picks one up, and reads what the paper says.
"To my dearest love,
Adrian it has been five years since I've last seen you. Rose told me that Ben proposed to her, despite his siblings wishes. Benjiman and i also ran across each other this morning, He tells me that there is still a chance that you are alive. But as i have said, it has been five years since you last wrote to me. I am starting to give up hope that you will be coming home from the war. Oh, how i miss you so. I just wish you never would have been drafted. I told you that it was inevitable. And yet you promised to come back. I love you my dearest.
Love yours truly, Sydney Ria Lynn."
I grab the paper from his hands in a hurry just to make sure he read that right. No it can't be. But that is my signed name. That's impossible.
"Sydney i believe that is your name, and quite frankly the man this person addresses to in this letter has my name. Do you know what is going on."
"No, i don't even know, i just got the chest and the desk and the key from my grandmother when she passed away. I don't know why at all. Im just as confused maybe even more than you."
All of a sudden i started feeling faint, oh there is the ground. Not again.

I wake up to find that my love is gone. I go over to my desk to find the note he left. It read:
Dear Syd, my love, my life,
I'm sorry i did not tell you last night. But, i could not stand to see your beautiful face with tears. I am afraid our worse fear has come. I have been drafted. I hope you are not to mad at me as to not write while i am away. Please take care and i will write to you as soon as i can.
With all my love, Adrian Dimka Ross
What is the meaning of this. Why, of all people why did my Dimka have to be the one to go. I would rather go then him. Why lord why. I must write to him as soon as i can. Ah pen, paper. Okay.
Dear Adrian,
Yes i am not pleased with you for not telling me the night before you left. But sadly we have no choice in this matter. Just do promise me that no matter what happens. No matter what lifetime, you will come back and be with me once again. I will miss you so much. I will also worry about you, so stay safe. And do please come back as soon as possible. I may be faithful and always in love with you, but if you do not come back. My father will try to marry me off to some other man. Mind him. I love you my love.
Love yours truly, Sydney Ria Lynn
There now to get ready to go to send this...

I open my eyes and notice that some one is checking my head. I look and see its Adrian. I sit up and look for the chest remembering my dream i just had. I can't be some reincarnation, so i am just going to check. Ah, there it is. I grab the chest and carefully take all the papers in the chest until i get to the very bottom two. I read them, and find that they are the same exact words from my dream. Am i still dreaming.
"Sydney are you alright, you are starting to worry me here?"
"Adrian pinch me."
"Wha, why would I do that?"
"Just do it,  i need to make sure I'm not dreaming. Okay?"
"Okay I'm sorry. Hold out your arm."
I hold out my arm and he pinches me. I wince in pain. Well i am definitely not dreaming. Unless you can feel pain in your dream which would be great. But i look over towards Adrian and know it's not. I don't know how this is or what is going on any more. Grandmother i wish you were here, because then you could explain what was going on.
"Hey not to be rude but are you okay. And also do you know what is going on? Because the way you acted when you woke up was a little odd."
"I'm fine physically, but metaly not so much. I don't know Adrian. Like when i passed out, i dreamt that i was the person who wrote the letters and it was the day that her lover went to war. He left a letter on her desk letting her know why he wasn't there that morning, where he came to visit the night before. And when i passed out earlier today it was when he first arrived that night before. The thoughts running through her head, well my head when you think about it, let me know that they were technically they met in secret because his parents didn't aprove of them being together. So, because of that only the two lovers and it seems like her best friend and her love knew about their relationship."
Adrian picked up the two letters that I read before. He read them and looked at me.
"Are you saying that we are like a reincarnation of them. And if so then how come your grandmother never mentioned it?"
"Yes that is what im saying but maybe this is why my grandmother believed in soul mates. Because when you think about it, soul mates are you other half. The one that completes you no matter what."
"True, but that doesn't explain why we have the same names as the couple in the letters."
"No it doesn't."
I look down at the letters, and one in particular stands out from the rest. It stands out because unlike the others, which seem to be on white parchment, this one seems to be in another letter. I picked the little envelope up and notice that there seems to be some sort of object inside. i open it to find two necklaces, one with my enitials on one and Adrian's enitials on the other.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 16, 2015 ⏰

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