Chapter 2. Envy

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It's been about 2 weeks since Eric went to the job fair. He started to get the urge to go out and start finding his next victim. The feeling was turning in his stomach, it drove him mad with hunger for blood.
That night he went out for a short jog from his apartment, along the way he ran into a young man running in the same direction. Eric increased his speed to catch up to him and try and start a conversation. The young man looked at Eric with a look of confusion, he stopped and asked "The fuck do you want?"
"Well, that's no way to Greet a stranger. I was just trying to see if you wanted to jog together?" Eric said in a friendly but sarcastic tone.
"Listen, leave me the fuck alone while I run and you can do your own thing." He said firmly
"Alright, I am sorry for interrupting your run, Have a good night, and be safe," Eric said
"Fuck off," he said

Eric let him run about 100 feet away from him before he started to chase. The man started to sprint away from Eric, running into alleyways to try and lose him. Eric felt the rush of the chase come over him like he was hunting his next meal. The man stopped at a dead end and shouted "What the fuck, didn't I tell you to leave me alone?"
"Well yes you did, but I just felt that you needed motivation to run faster, and now, you made my job easy," Eric said in a deep tone
"What does...."
Before he could finish his sentence, Eric had cut clean through his throat. The body of the jogger fell to the ground, lifeless, and bleeding heavily.
"Now you got yours and my clothes dirty, that isn't very nice. Well, I guess that means I'll have to teach your body a lesson."
The Jogger's eyes filled with fear as it stared at Eric, as he felt the knife dig into his skin, it was an unbreakable pain that he felt throughout his body. The last thing the jogger saw was Eric standing there with his heart in his hand, barely beating.

Eric got home at midnight, he immediately went into the kitchen, grabbed a bottle of whiskey, and turned on his shower. As the water poured over him, the water turned a deep red, he took a swig of the whiskey, it wasn't as good as the one he had in America, but it did the job. Slowly the world started to fade more and more as the bottle emptied. Eventually, he finished the bottle, he got out of the shower, admittedly barely, and stumbled to his bed. He slithered underneath the covers and passed out as the sun rose and hit his face with a warm glow.

He was woken up by his phone vibrating constantly. He groaned as it felt like it took all his strength to move. He picked up the phone to see who it was, but he wasn't able to read the number on the phone and he let it go to voice mail. After a few more minutes, he got up from his bed and took some Ibuprofen to lessen the headache he was dealing with. He started his routine, turned on the TV, and started to make himself breakfast. He listened as the news broadcast a missing persons report, Eric laughed to himself "Bitch deserved it." he muttered to himself. He sat down on his stool and looked at his phone. He finally decided to listen to the voicemail that woke him up.

"Good morning, This is Sophie with Gray Industries, we have reviewed your resume, and have decided to move you to the next phase of the interview process. If you could please give us a call back to set up an interview time that would be great. Thank you and have a great day."

"Well I guess I am going to have to call them" He muttered

He redialed the number and waited for the phone to dial. Within the first ring, the phone was answered.
"Good morning, Gray Industries, this is Molly speaking how can I help you today?"
"Hi, good morning, My name is Eric Gray, I received a call earlier this morning to schedule an interview time."
"Oh yes, give me one second," she said in a quiet tone.
Eric was grateful that it wasn't the bitch Sophie that answered the phone.
"Mr. Smith"
"Yes ma'am"
"I can schedule an appointment for you at 2 pm today, does that work for you?"
"That works for me"
"Great we have you for 2 pm today, is there anything else I can help you with today?"
"No ma'am, that should be it, Thank you."
"It's no problem, we can't wait to see you then, have a great day."

Eric hung up the call and whispered "Fuck, this means I have to get ready."
He started to clean up from his breakfast, he placed everything back in its place. He sat down and watched more of the news, seeing if the police were slowly getting closer. The feeling in his stomach was still present, but it wasn't as severe as it was last night. He groaned as he got up to go grab more medication. He grabbed a cup of water, grabbed his pills, and swallowed the handful of medication. It was difficult, but it has been getting easier and easier for him to swallow. He moved into his bedroom and started to choose what suit, shirt, tie, and shoe combination would work for his interview. He spent about an hour going through each combination, he eventually gave up and just went with a plain dark gray suit with a white shirt and maroon tie.

He exited his apartment and locked the door behind him, right as he turned around he saw a young woman. She had to be in her early 20s and a college student, he thought to himself.

"Good afternoon," she said warmly
"Good afternoon, How are you today?" he said with a forced smile
"I'm doing well, Did you just move in here?"
"Yeah, I moved in about 3 weeks ago."
"Oh, I guess I'm a little late to introduce myself, Well I'm Kailista, but my friends call me Kai."
"Nice to meet you Kailista, My name is Eric, How long have you been here?"
"Oh well I have been here for about a year now, I am starting my second year of college here, it's fun but exhausting."
"I bet, well I have a job interview I have to go to, maybe we can talk more later on."
"I was about to go and grab some groceries, I wish you luck on your Interview."
"Thank you, Have a good day."
"You too."

Eric rushed out of the hallway and took the elevator to the ground floor. He had to take some deep breaths to settle the pain in his stomach. The doors opened on the ground floor, the lobby was empty except for the receptionists. He walked past them at a brisk pace, as to try and avoid more conversation. He got outside and called a cab, he hopped in and told the taxi to head to Gray Industries. Eric zoned out on the ride there, ignoring the world and just staring up at the sky, watching the buildings pass.

Eventually, the taxi stopped at Gray Industries. Eric paid the taxi driver, he got out and immediately took a deep breath and looked up at the building. It was massive, a 75-floor glass palace. The beauty of it was something to admire. He walked in through the doors and went to the front desk. He said in a soft but firm tone.
"Good morning, I have an interview at 2 pm."
"Yes sir, could I please get your ID to verify your appointment?"

He handed her the ID reluctantly. She took it and started to type vigorously on her computer. It was about 2 minutes that she was typing before she spoke
"Yes Mr. Smith, if you would have a seat down the hall and to the left, someone will be with you."
"Thank you, ma'am"

She gave back the ID and he went and sat down on a felt bench they had in the hallway. He looked around to see if there was anyone else there for the interview. He was the only one that was waiting, he was nervous and his leg started to bounce. He took a few deep breaths and closed his eyes. He felt at peace for a little, but then he heard a voice that was familiar to him.

"This is the place to take a nap, if you going to do that you may as well leave."
"Good afternoon to you as well, Good to see you again Sophie."
"Follow me into the conference room."
"Yes ma'am"
They both sat down in the room, she was wearing a black contoured dress with 3-inch heels that matched her dress. She was beautiful, it's just too bad that Eric had hatred towards her.
"Have you done this type of interview before?"
"Yes, Multiple times."
"Then you know the basic rules."
"Yes, can we start with the job-related questions now?"
"Alright, We have read your resume and I just have three questions for you, can you answer three questions?"
"Yes, I can answer three questions, can you please ask them?"
"What made you choose this job?"
"I needed a job and this company was the only one that was hiring for the skills I possess."
"Good answer, but not great, I've heard better from community students, anyway. What can you do to help this company grow its online influence?
"I can make sure that the website that this company uses is updated from the early 2000s and into the modern age, and communicate with other companies through the use of our social media presence."
"Not bad, and final question, it says here that you have held this job 10 times in the past 5 years, do you have any reason for this?"
Eric paused for a second having to think carefully of his answer.
"I was having to move around the country due to my parents and grandparents passing away, As such I had to find a job to provide for them until they passed away. But now I am here on my own and want to work as hard as I can to provide a better life for myself and my future."
Sophie took a minute to look at Eric, she started to write something down in her notepad. She then looked back at Eric and said in her customer service voice.

"Thank you for attending this interview, I will give it to my boss to review and we will contact you with our decision. Are there any questions you may have Mr. Smith?"
"No ma'am, I look forward to hearing the decision."
"Alright, as you have nothing for me, you are excused and may have a great rest of your day."

Eric got up and shook her hand, he smiled and walked away. As soon as he left the room his smile faded and his facial expression turned into a more relaxed and pissed off. He got a taxi back to his apartment and

went to his bedroom. He started to take off the suit but only got the blazer off before he needed to sit down. He sat down on his bed and laid back, he closed his eyes and relaxed. He started to doze off and the only thing that was on his mind was Sophie and how she looked. It settled his stomach when he was near her, and it made him feel something he never felt before. 

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 25, 2023 ⏰

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