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Stop me if you heard this one worlds will live worlds, Worlds will die imagine if your ever fear, each bad decision, Give birth to a malformed world of nightmares, a world that shouldn't exist and desperate for it as it tries to survive in the light of the truth Multiverse, far above. These worlds are meant to rot apart to die, because they are at their core. Welcome to the Dark Multiverse, home to stories that should never be. Because, it's all one big cosmic joke. Except... no one on this side is laughing. You see in the universes in the darkness, they are reduced to atoms so the universes above thrive but in Earth-TRN-637 aka The Real World Barbatos noticed that this world isn't from the multiverse or the dark multiverse. So what The Dark Knights attacked this world then the main multiverse?

so if you want this to be a book just say yes and I'll do it.

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