#1: Finding Z-ARC & Attack Of The Flickorax

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On the Stellosphere's observation deck, Miles & Merc are looking outside when they hear something odd... almost like something's trying to get out. Miles could tell the noises are coming from the hangar.

Miles: I wonder what those noises could be? Come on, buddy. We'd better investigate.

Heading down to the hangar via hyper-lift, Miles notices a scared creature that looks like a cross of a dragon & human, trying to hide in an empty container.

Miles: Hey, it's ok. I'm not going to hurt you.

Z-ARC: *in Japanese* Promise?

Miles: *opens his QuestCom* Mom? Dad? Loretta? There's something in the hangar you need to see, & please try to be quiet- whatever this is, it's really scared.

Loretta: On our way!

The family gets down to the hangar, only for Z-ARC to whimper & hide in the container he's in.

Miles: No matter what I do, it won't come out of that container. It's almost like he's scared of us or something.

Loretta gently walks over to Z-ARC, gently holding out a hand to him.

Loretta: It's all right. We're not going to harm you. Do you even have a name?

Z-ARC: Mm-hmm. Z-ARC.

Loretta: Z-ARC, what exactly are you? My Bracelex doesn't have a record of anything like you in its databanks.

Z-ARC then cautiously stands up, revealing his full appearance. He has a silver tail with an emerald jewel in the forked tip, a pair of silver dragon wings protruding from his shoulder blades, a pair of small horns on each side of his head, & patches of silver scales on his arms. His hands are that of a human's. He then glows before reverting back to normal, but his wings are still there, just smaller.

Miles: Whoa. Any chance you can...

Z-ARC: Speak English? Yes, I can. But whenever I'm nervous or scared, I tend to speak in Japanese. *stomach rumbles* And is there any food here? I'm starving!

Later, in the kitchen-

Z-ARC's playfully chasing after a floating pancake, a smile on his face.

Z-ARC: Floating pancakes? Now these, I love! *bites down on the one he's chasing* Mmm!

Stella: Attention, Callistos. Incoming call from the Tomorrowland Transit Authority.

Leo: Thanks, Stella. Come on.

The group heads to the bridge. After Watson & Crick explain things-

Watson: At around the same time, the lights at the spaceport went out.

Crick: And Calpurnia was so dark already!

Miles: Why? Doesn't it get light from its star?

Watson: Well, Miles, the nearest sun-like star, Proxima Centauri, is too far away. So Calpurnia receives very little light. It's too dark to work.

Crick: At least without bumping into things.

Watson: So we've evacuated our crew. We need you to find that drone.

Crick: And get the spaceport lights back on.

Phoebe: No problem, Admirals. We'll see what we can do.

Crick: You won't see anything. So we have an upgrade to help you in the dark. It's for Merc.

Merc: *squawks*

Watson: Prepare for upgrade transmission.

A red beam of light scans Merc before cutting out.

Miles: What's it do?

Crick: It makes him light up! It's crazy!

Merc then glows, causing Z-ARC to chuckle.

Leo: Now why didn't I think of that?

Crick: You're gonna need all the light you can get down there. I'm telling you, it's dark!

Watson: Good luck, Callistos. Didn't you say there were 3 problems?

Crick: Oh, yes. Uh... Problem number 3 is... *motions to his mustache*

Watson: CRICK!

Crick: Tomorrowland over the moon & out! *call ends*

Phoebe: Callistos, to the StarJetter. We're going to Calpurnia.

Z-ARC: I'll follow you guys from outside. MERC's not the only one who can go into space without an air source.

The family gets to the StarJetter, Z-ARC now wearing a black bodysuit with silver accents. A futuristic teal visor's on his head.

Z-ARC: All set!

Phoebe: Callistos, let's rocket!

The StarJetter rockets out of the hangar, & Z-ARC promptly follows, his dragon wings turning into white holographic wings with galaxy purple tips. Waving from outside, Miles's jaw drops.

Miles: Now that is awesome!

Z-ARC: Thanks! Now let's go to that blackout of a planet.

Landing, Z-ARC's wings retract into a silver harness.

Z-ARC: Well, I can safely say that this place definitely needs a power restoration!

Leo: Me & Phoebe will check out the spaceport. Miles, Loretta, you guys try & find the delivery drone.

Z-ARC: Don't forget about me!

Z-ARC's suit & wings gently glow white, earning a gasp from the entire group.

Z-ARC: Bioluminescence!

After Miles & Loretta figure out that Flickorax are behind the power outages-

Z-ARC: *notices the spaceport's lights are back on* Miles, Loretta? Your mom & dad got the spaceport's lights back on, but the Flickorax also noticed that, too!

Miles: Aw, craters!

Loretta: We've gotta figure out a way to get them back to Tetro!

Merc brings out his toy rocket.

Z-ARC: Of course! Your rocket!

Miles & Z-ARC then manage to get the Flickorax back to Tetro.

Phoebe: Quick thinking, you 2!

Z-ARC: Aw, it was nothing.

Onboard the Stellosphere, the Callistos finish sharing their adventure to the Dragon Boys via webcam.

Yuya: Leo & Declan are already working on a way to get you back home from here, Z-ARC.

Z-ARC: Phew! I'm glad that inter-dimensional webcam I made works. Where's Yuri & Anti?

Yuto: Oh, you know, having their special alone time.

Z-ARC: Why am I not surprised?

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