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Draco's POV.

It's the middle of the night and I haven't gotten any sleep. Earlier this week I had gotten a letter from Hogwarts saying that they would like me to come back to finish my seventh year. I talked to Pansy and Blaise, and they said that they would go as long as we were all going. Now I have to go. Maybe it will be good for me though. After my father got sent to Azkaban, my mother was put on house arrest. I wasn't able to leave without being harassed for being a 'Death Eater' and for being a follower to he-who-must-not-be-named. I've just been so stressed that I've hardly gotten any sleep. I hope that the stupid overrated 'Golden Trio' isn't coming back. But the worst part was, was that I leave tomorrow to go.

   I was lost in thought for so long that I almost missed the sound of knocking. I quietly got out of bed and crept downstairs. As I got to the door I opened it slowly as to not make noise. As I open the door I see none other than Pansy and Blaise. They both look exhausted.

"What are you guys doing here?!" I asked worriedly.

"I had to. The ministry took my home. They said that since my parents are in Azkaban and I don't have work I can't live there." Pansy said, tears in her eyes.

I looked over to Blaise, worried about what he was going to say, but he didn't even look up. I've always worried about him more since how he never really spoke. And with all of the abuse we have had to deal with since we were young I worried that he wouldn't get to far in life.

"Blaise. What happened?" I asked.

"My mom got another husband."

"What did he do?" I asked, knowing that most of Blaise's stepfathers were abusive in almost every way.

"I don't want to talk about it." He said. Even with his head down I knew he was on the verge of crying.

After hearing this I quickly ushered them inside and up into my room. I took their shrunken trunks and put them in the corner along with mine.

"Come on. We have a long day tomorrow." And with that we all lay down in my bed, cuddled together, and fell asleep, dreading the day to come.

AN: sorry I know this is very short but it is my first HP book and I'm trying. Also, absolutely NO smut. One, because I said so. And two, because my asexual ass can't write lovey dovey shit.

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Nov 25, 2023 ⏰

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