Chapter Nineteen: Exchange

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South Field

  Haze blew the smoke out of her revolver, staring at the dead man's body with an unfazed expression. "Well, that's that." Haze said to herself, spinning her revolver and putting it back into its holster. Looking around her, it was still silent, luckily no one in the vicinity of her area heard the gunshot. >Good. No one heard it.< Haze thought to herself, getting down from the roof of the short building. She walked over to the body of the man, crouching down and flipping through anything he had. "Mmm... nothing much. Eh, I don't really need anything." Haze said to herself, standing up from her position and walking away from the body.


North Field

  White Vampire was walking through the dead town. It was all silence. The cold breeze of the autumn night blew past her. Her long white hair flowing alongside the direction the wind was going. She made her way up a hill, cherry blossoms waiting at the top, its usual pink flowers were an orange shade. Matching the season of the year. As she got to the top, she stood before the orange cherry blossoms. She stayed silent, closing her eyes and feeling the wind against her body. She opened her eyes, her head lowered as she looked to the bottom of the trunk. There were three Japanese hydrangeas that laid at the bottom of the trunk. "Thanks for taking care of me..." She whispered to herself, taking up her hands and clasping them together, praying.


West Field

  Blue Demon stood above Akira, a match in his hand. The moonlight was the only source of light that stayed in the room. "What the hell... Who are you!?" Akira yelled out, blood spilling from where his arms used to be. "You don't remember?" Blue Demon responded, "Well... it has been a while. So it makes sense." He continued and ended his sentence, wiping his katana's blade clean of blood with a hand-cloth. "Why the hell would I-" Akira yelled out, cutting himself off as he saw Blue Demon taking off his mask. "Now do you remember?" Blue Demon asked, his heterochromatic eyes staring at Akira with a look of anger.


East Field

  Black Phoenix ran down the hall of the mansion, he wasn't able to go at full speed due to the grazed cut the bullet made on him when he ran. >Just need to eliminate them...< Those words came back into his head, his eyes looked around him, keeping up with his half assed speed. He spotted an entrance outside, making a sharp cut, he ran out, greeted with the strong wind. He looked around him, the wind blew past him quite strong, his tattered red scarf waving aggressively with the wind.

  His eyes spotted a tall building, from the looks of it, it was empty with no one in it. >It should still be in there.< Black Phoenix thought to himself as he ran into the building and up the stairs. He got up to the 12th floor and into a specific room. There laid a briefcase on the floor, getting to it, he opened it up, assembling his sniper, which was a M110 SASS. Once he finished putting it together, he rested it on the ledge of the window, it was previously opened before he started his mission. Black Phoenix looked through the scope of the sniper, adjusting it and carefully looking to the entrance way of the mansion. Looking to snipe anyone who exited out. He moved his sniper to look through the windows, seeing multiple people running through the halls. He knew he could fire through, but it could be risky since the window breaking could expose his location. >Think carefully... Patience is a virtue...< He thought to himself, calming his heart rate and getting back his cold expression.


Ryo's Apartment, Rośe's Room

  Rośe was lying on her bed, reading a horror book. Her head rested comfortably on her pillow. Her headphones were in and she was listening to some K-pop songs. The apartment was quiet, and although the apartment was quiet around this time on other days, this time, the quietness felt different. The words and descriptions that Rośe's book gave were highly descriptive. It gave a very vivid image in Rośe's head when she read the book, imagining what might be happening in the story.

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