Har Har Har Har Har Har Har Har Har Har Har

30 2 2

So, uhhhh.....



Yeah.. so






Hold on

Ah, alright

So, uh, Mr Aurum..

We understand that you are in need of employment, and we are in need of employees. So, we'd like to offer you a security gig at a local restaurant! You'll be working the Nightshift, as we have a.. shortage... and almost all of our employees have switched to the Dayshift. Odd.. Anyway! The pay is... less than adequate.. but, the hours are worth it! As an added bonus, you basically get to be your own boss*!

(*Disclaimer: You are not your own boss and must still answer to higher ups as well as follow the existing rules and regulations at all times)

Don't worry, you won't be the only night guard. But you may also have to do a tiny bit of maintenance on the animatronic characters. Oh, and you gotta make sure you keep the place clean! Duh.... Heh, I can tell you're already interested, so why not sign up right now? Don't worry, it's just a little contract. We've all had to sign these

(Disclaimer: Upon signing this contract, you acknowledge that Fazbear Entertainment and all associated companies are not responsible for loss of personal belongings, lives or sanity. Fazbear Entertainment are also not responsible for any physical or psychological damage suffered while working your assigned hours. Any damage to company property will be taken out of your paycheck. Company property includes; The animatronic characters, tables and chairs, the building itself, decorations, signs, arcade machines and your uniform. Failure to comply will result in a cut in your paycheck, a fine, or being sacked - You will never work in this, or any over town, again)

Well, guess the job is yours! Welcome to the company! Heh! Heh... Say, that look in your eyes... This job must be important to you, huh? Now that I think about it.. your last name. I remember seeing it on a... Missing poster a while back.. A relative of yours? ...Are you sure you should be working here? Well, if you insist! Have a great day!











TL;DR, I do believe I have something cooking

TL;DR, I do believe I have something cooking

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 25, 2023 ⏰

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