The sleep over

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An-sorry for the pennywise pic I was going to do a pennywise chapter but changed my mind half way through and i dont know how to delete it as I'm new to this thing so yh xx-

Y/n pov

Bill, Eddie and me all reached my house
"Thank you guys again" I said as I parked my bike in the garage
"It's ok anytime" the boys said in union
"Guys I know we just met and all, well wanna sleepover?" I said as I tilted my head a bit
"I would love too"
The boys said
"W-wait what a-about y-your parents?" Bill said concerned
"Oh it would be alright they are never in anyway. Wait let me invite the other over!" I said as grabbed my key from my pocket.
We all entered the house and I showed them around
"And this is my and Richie's room and yes we do have to share because we are making a guest room" I said as I rolled my eyes
"You two can make your selfs at home and you can go to the living room" I said as I walked over to the phone and called bev.
-Calls bev-
"Hey bev we are having a sleepover at mine and I'm inviting the losers over wanna come?"
"Sure I'll be there in 10"
-ends call-
I heard a ring at the door bell and walked over to open it.
"Hi guys! Please come in" I said as I greated them.
"We will be in the living room for the sleepover if that's ok with you all"
We all made it way to the living room and I asked if they all wanted drink
"Do you want me to help y/n?" Bill asked
"Yes thank you bill" I said with a smile
We made it to the kitchen and I started to get the glasses from the cupboard then all of a sudden there was a shatter
"Oh s-shit s-sorry I d-didn't grab i-it" bill apologies
"No bill I thought you had it it's my fault" I said as going on my knees to pick up the broken pieces of glass. We both quickly gathered all the broken glasses and stood up from the floor
"H-here let m-me t-take it" bill said as he grabbed some glass from my hand all of a sudden I felt a sharp pain go through my hand
"Ow shit" I mumbled
"A-are you o-ok y-y-n?" Bill asked as he finished outing the last pieces in the bin
Then Richie came in and switched on some lights on
"AAAAH FUCK" i yelled
"O-oh s-shit did I d-do t-that?" Bill said while grabbing my bleeding hand
"DR K GET YOUR ASS IN HERE NOW!" Richie screamed as Eddie walked in
"What happened here?" Eddie questioned
"I dropped a glass and cut myself" I said as it was not big deal
"Come on y/n let's get you cleaned up" Eddie said while walking to the bathroom.

Eddie was cleaning up my hand when I felt a bit hot
"Is it me or is it hot in here?" I asked Eddie
"Yeah it's because I'm in here" Eddie blurted out
Eddies pov
Oh shit did I just say that to y/n I shit she must think I'm wired now.
I looked up at her and I felt my face go red
"Are ok there Ed's? Your a bit red" y/n asked me and I just nodded
"Ok all done y/n" I said and she jumped down from the bathroom counter.
We started at each other for a while then I did the unthinkable I smashed my lips against hers and I quickly pulled away
"FUCK sorry y/n!" I said as I opened the bathroom door. I made my way down to the living room leaving y/n in the bathroom. She finally came down and we put a romantic movie on (p.s I love you)

Y/n pov
We put p.s I love you on my favourite movie and I sat next to bill the movie was almost finished and I fell asleep on bills chest.

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