Telling The Gang

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Brooks mother Ms. Chesterfield, Bertrum, Luke, Ravi, Tony and Brooks were sitting on the couch and Jessie said guys listen I have an announcement some may be happy, sad and mad but I don't care what I'm about to say is going to be the best thing that's happened to me in a very long time. Brooks I love you and I just wanted to say that without you I would have nothing. Ms.Chesterfield I know you don't like me but I promise I will try to be the best wife for your son. I don't understand the love of a mother yet but in 7 months I will. Then I'll be able to understand the love of a mother for her child. Brooks we are going to have a baby in 7 months and I couldn't be more happier. Ms.Chesterfield if you don't want to accept this baby I understand because it will be a part of me and I can live with that but also think of it has it will be part of your son and your grandchild.

I know you hate kids but deep down I know there is a soft spot and a warm heart in there. You just don't know how to show it. Just like you Bertrum, I think that deep down you have a caring heart I mean people are different at showing feelings and that is okay but I've a challenging road ahead of me and if you could help me through it I would appreciate it. I've never told anyone this but when I was little I was in a really bad accident that really hurt me. The doctors said that I would never be able to have kids that is why I love my job at being a nanny it makes me feel like I'm a mother. Now I hope you kids understand that when I ground you, give you chores, make you do homework it is because I love you and want the best for you like a mother would for her children. Not because I'm mean and trying to make you miserable.

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