I see you in the rain

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god the lightning wishes it could light up a room the way you do
the thunder wishes it could speak with half the power
every rumor is spread by those who are jealous of you
but every word they say, your silence is louder

when i wrote this i had loved you for 386 days
that wasn't when i met you, id met you long before
unlike those fairytales, my love for you didn't start the first time i saw your face
it came deeper and stronger as i got to know you more

i know you think all i write is love poems and hate poems about false loves
but you haven't a clue the peace that overwhelms me when i write about you
your voice is like the rain falling from dark clouds above
the sky could never compare to your eyes, the incredible blue

i figured i had learned my lesson, but i knew from the first time i saw you
though i hadn't loved you yet, that if i let you in you'd be my downfall
but i was wrong, you built me up in ways i needed but never knew
every action you take with me burns into my memory no matter how small

the thing i've learned about love is that i want you to be happy even without me
all the times i thought id loved before i thought i had to be riddled with jealousy
that what was mine was never truly mine because it was not meant to be
because i was afraid if you saw me, the darkest parts you'd leave

when you say you love me i believe you now
because though the words feel hollow, that look behind your eyes is never
you love me like i love you and neither of us are quite sure how
but i know you'll be in the rain, and in my heart forever

Letters to the Love of My Life Where stories live. Discover now