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I just thought I'd put this out there and see if anyone would actually be interested in it lol !

please excuse any mistakes!

Disclaimer: I do NOT own Naruto. This is merely a fanfic.


It was late at night with the only light being that of the moon and the brightly lit stars. She stood outside on the boat's deck leaning on the old wooden rail that was the only thing that prevented her from falling into the cold water. She silently stared admiring the sound of the waves and the thick fog that made it seem as if she was going through a cloud. She had been to the Hidden Mist Village before but never long enough to be able to admire its true beauty, and it wasn't like this time would be any different. She was here on a very important S-ranked mission that would require her full attention. The mission itself seemed simple enough, all she had to do was tend to Kikigakures people, the reason being that there was a dangerous and deadly disease going around that was causing a lot of people's lives to be cut short. Sadly, the Hidden Mists' medical ninjutsu wasn't nearly as advanced as that of Konohas due to the oppression from its past Mizukage. Thanks to the alliance of both villages and Tsunade, holding the title of the greatest medical ninja currently alive. The Fifth Mizukage had asked for her help in developing a cure and she more than happily agreed. She might be short-tempered and hard to handle sometimes, but she was a good person at heart, and she'd do everything possible to prevent more people from dying. She was rather excited about this mission, not only because she was going to help people in need, but also to finally get some time to debrief and not worry about all the Hokage work she had left undone. The only thing that left her feeling unsettled was the fact that Danzo was filling in for her while she was away, but would could she do? She had no other choice than to trust he'd have the village's well-being at heart. This would also be the first time she'd meet the Mizukage, and she found it rather amusing that the Mizukage was also another woman alike and was excited to meet her. She'd heard wonderful things about her and her unique fighting style, but she had also heard that she was a beautiful woman, and that made her feel even more interested in learning who she was. Lost in thought, she felt a hand on her shoulder that snapped her back into reality. It was Kakashi Hatake, her assigned guard on this mission. Even though the Hidden Mist and The Leaf were allies, you could never let your guard down, especially in a village known as the Bloody Mist.

"Lady Tsunade, we've arrived," said Kakashi removing his hand from her shoulder.

"Very well then. I wouldn't want to keep Lady Mizukage waiting, so let's go," she said. It was rather cold and quiet but it was as if her body chose to ignore that fact and focus on the beautifully lit village. Stepping off the boat onto the hard wooden dock, she paused, surprised to find no one there to greet them. She found it rather strange and as soon as she was about to continue forward and try to find her way through the unfamiliar village she spotted two dark figures peering through the thick mist.

"You must be Lady Tsunade," a woman's soft, husky voice with a unique accent greeted.

As the woman emerged from the mist, Tsunade noticed that she wasn't alone, she was accompanied by a tall man with blue spikey hair, and an eyepatch covering one of his eyes. Tsunade's focus returned to the woman, dressed in a knee-length blue strapless dress that was split to the side along her right leg. She had long spikey dark auburn hair, almost red, that went down well below her waist and covered her right eye completely.

"And you must be Mei Terumi, The Fifth Mizukage. It's so nice to finally meet you" said Tsunade with a smile, extending her hand for a shake.

"The feeling is mutual" Mei acknowledged, reaching her hand out to meet Tsunades. "You don't understand how thankful and honored I am to have you here with me in the Land of Water. My gratitude and thanks go out to you."

"Nonsense!" Tsunade swatted her hand around as if shooing away a fly. "I am more than happy to be of help to you and your village"

"And it is greatly appreciated. Now, I wouldn't want to keep you two outside in this cold any longer so allow me to show you to your rooms." the woman said as she began to walk down the deck.

Tsunade nodded and signaled Kakashi to walk behind her as they followed The Mizukage.


Please let me know if you guys would actually want to see a story with this awesome pairing ! ;)

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 27, 2023 ⏰

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