Kayde's Nightmare

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 Revan, and his Rage

Shadows swirl around creating a cloud of mist cascading over the hard floor as thick as molasses making it impossible to move through the darkness. Kayde found himself in his childhood home completely rebuilt and refurbished as if it had never been destroyed or damaged. The sounds of cheerful conversation just in the other room he hears the familiar voices he could never forget. The voices of his father, mother, brothers, and younger sister all conversing freely and cheerfully, they sounded older, much more mature as if they never left.

Happiness spread across his face thinking "It was all just a dream, just a long horrible dream". His heart pounding with joy he chases after their voices turning the corner hoping to see their bright happy faces he was met with an empty room. Frantically looking for them he begins calling out for them his voice echoing in the empty room opening each and every door. Their voices growing ever distant no matter how far he ran towards them fear creeping into his heart.

"Over here Kayde!" A voice screamed from behind him as he turned to look for the voice. The smoke swirls around Kayde taking him away from his house to the old ruins of the temple seeing the same door locking him away from Zola and Ophelia. The door slowly closes as he sees his family behind the door running to them before it closes. Reaching out to them, he wants to yell but cannot find the strength, as the door pulls away from him, the corridor getting longer and longer with each step he takes.

"You can't reach them, you will never reach them, you still haven't atoned for your sins!" An ominous voice spoke through the shadows as he felt something grab him by the throat. The strength to move left his body as a face peered through the shadows, he knew this face, he knew this rage, it was the shadow, the shade of the man with a fierce hatred for his kind.


His grip tight around his throat Kayde could hardly breathe the shadows blocking his field of vision. "Your kind slaughtered mine! savages, brutes one and all! Your kind should be erased from history, you must repent for your transgression!" The voice screeched with rage and contempt. The shadow cleared itself showing the friendly face of Ophelia approaching him with her Lightsaber ignited glowing bright. Kayde could see a smile form on Revan's shadowy face as he put Kayde in front of Ophelia as if he were her target.

"That's Crazy Ophelia would never," Kayde thought looking at Ophelia for reassurance, seeing no expression on her face as she pointed the Lightsaber at him making him feel afraid for his life. She raised it in the air ready to strike, Kayde closed his eyes tightly bracing himself only to find nothing hitting him. Opening his eyes he sees himself in his room of the Ordo household, awakening in his bed.

Klayso, a Fear of No Acceptance

"Must have been a nightmare" Kayde thought as he got out of bed, putting on a pair of fresh clothes feeling hungry for the morning he headed to the kitchen where he saw the entire Ordo family already gathered eating their meal. With 2 empty chairs remaining which confused Kayde as they only had 5 chairs, he pondered on this whilst sitting down and attempting to eat his breakfast. Everyone looked cold and expressionless as they picked at their meal. Klayso soon arose from his seat approaching where Kayde was sitting. "What do you want Klayso you already got your own plate?" Kayde said annoyed.

Soon he was accompanied by two heavily armored Mandalorians who each grabbed ahold of Kayde's wrist and legs pinning him down to the chair. Klayso reached over and grabbed the knife next to Kayde's plate looking at him with insane glee as he rubbed it on Kayde's cheek, Pressing firmly as he started cutting Kayde's face, sharp burning pain filled Kayde, biting his tongue so as to not scream. Klayso reached over and took his shirt off revealing more cuts that Kayde was given he lost track of how many he sustained.

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