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I've never seen such beautiful eyes
The way I feel inside
The calmness in my heart
Never falling apart

I hope one day we meet
So I can tell you how sweet 

I wonder what's behind those eyes
Is it happiness or sadness
Maybe stress or depressed

Oh how beautiful your eyes
Shining brighter than night sky
I just can't seem to keep my eyes off

The twist and twirls
The butterflies arrive
And I hope one day
I'll see love in your eyes...

Yurin stands underneath thier favorite tree where they always used to hang out while waiting for Jungwon to arrive. She found out 2 weeks ago that Jungwon and his family are moving out of town since his father fount a paying better job.

So today she was going to confess to him before he leaves tomorrow.

She sees Jungwon walking towards her so she waves. "Hi Jungwon!"

"Hey, what's up?" Jungwon says.

"I know you're probably busy packing to leave tomorrow or whatever so I'll make this quick." She gets more nervous by the second.


"Jungwon...I've liked you since 5th grade and I know I'm stupid for confessing now but I wanted to get this out before you leave. You've been so kind to me ever since Kindergarten and I couldn't help but grow feelings for you. You always brighten my day and every time I look at your eyes it brings me peace, I wish we could be together forever. You probably don't even like me back but I just want you to know what I'm feeling."

Yurin speaks all in one breath while her eyes are shut.

She here's pure silence—well not really since there are people here and the bird's chirping. She slowly opens her eyes to see Jungwon...crying!?

Her eyes widen. "Jungwon w-what's wrong!?"

"Nothing...I'm just so happy.." Jungwon wipes his tears and continues.

"I've may not have liked you for a long time but I've liked you for a while (by a while he means a whole year and a half), and I'm glad that you confessed to me. I like you so much." Jungwon hugs her tight.

Yurin did not expect this. She thought she would get rejected since Jungwon did not show no signs of him having a crush on her.

She wished she confessed soner. A sudden outburst of tears fall from her eyes.

These tears were happy ones and sad. Happy because Jungwon loves her back and sad because they won't see each other for god know when.

Jungwon separates the hug. "Rin, can I kiss you?"

Without hesitation she nods, she has been waiting for this moment forever.

Their lips gently press against each other moving in sync. Jungwon pulls Yerin close.

Yerin never felt this happy in a long time. She wishes this moment could last for life.

After what seems like a minute they detach their lips. "I promise I'll come back for you Yerin and ask you to be mine properly so please wait for me."

"I'll wait as long as possible."

He smiles and hugs her again.

"Jungwon, you have the most beautiful eyes and they're even more beautiful when you smile,"

Jungwon blushes at the unexpected compliment.

A year later

Yerin places her snacks at the checkout counter. As she watches him scan the items she thinks to herself.

Maybe I should get a job soon.

"Your total is $9.60." He says putting the items in a bag. She gives him a $10 bill and takes the bag.

"Your eyes are pretty.." She randomly says.

"Oh me! Thanks" He smiles and blushes.

"But not as pretty as mine right?"

She hears a voice behind her and slowly turns around.


"You've changed." Jungwon asks sitting down on the bench.

"I've changed? Jungwon look at you! You're even more attractive."

"Oh!" He laughs. "I guess I have."

The air around them is filled with silence. A comfortable silence.



"Remember my promise?"

"How could I forget."

"Are you ready.. for us?"

"Mhm, I've been ready since that day Wonie and I still am."

"Yerin I love you. I want you to be my forever love and only love, will you be mine?"

"Yes Jungwon, I love you a million times!"

He smiles brightly and gives her a hug and then he breaks it.

"Can I get a kiss?"

"I'm getting Déja Vu," She says.

Jungwon laughs. "So..?"

"Of course dimwit!"

Jungwon wastes no time kissing her.

After the kiss the look at each other.

"You still have the most beautiful eyes to exist."

the end.

i hope you enjoyed
stay safe, healthy and blessed
see you 😘

eyes   -    jungwonWhere stories live. Discover now