3. "that would be me"

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the stylists for district 14 got harold and i ready for the carriage ride in front of the whole city

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the stylists for district 14 got harold and i ready for the carriage ride in front of the whole city. every district had their own horse carriage and everyone had to dress up. harold and i have become buddies already.

"this is so uncomfortable," i mentioned quietly to harold, he laughed.

"obviously, that dress looks itchy and tight. this suit has so many sequins," harold added, squirming like some kind of animal.

that caused me to also let out a slight laugh.


harold and i walked out to our spot for the carriage. our horses were brought up to us. harold told me he would be right back, and he walked away to what looked like another district member. i started to get in the carriage before someone approached me.

"olivia davis," a male voice said.

i turned around and saw finnick odair before me. he was even more handsome in person. i sucked my lips in and kept my cool.

"that would be me," i cleared my throat.

"my mentor told me you know how to handle a sword, mind showing me later?" he winked.

i rolled my eyes and scoffed.

"i mean in the practice area," he corrected.

after the carriage ride all tributes went into a huge room to show off and practice their skills apparently.

"alright," i agreed, "finnick odair?"

he nodded, "that would be me."

i let out a small laugh as he copied me. i shook my head as he walked away to get onto his carriage. i hopped in mine and that's when harold came back.

"why was finnick odair talking to you?" he asked, sitting next to me.

"asking about swords," i said blankly.

a few minutes later, the carts started moving and we stood up like the rest of the tributes. we waved at the crowds as they cheered, then our cart approached president snow, the most evil man on the planet.

harold and i both put our hands down and looked at him with hatred and anger. he was the face behind all of this torture and madness. what a sick man.

as we turned around and started back to our original spots, harold and i went back to smiling and waving. the crowds seemed to love us. our outfits matched also.


like i mentioned earlier, it was time to practice our skills with all the other tributes. harold and i entered the room to see people in there already, shooting things, throwing things, and just being intimidating in general. i shivered as i walked over to a rack with swords lined up.

i picked a long, sharp, and shiny one and walked over to an area that i could practice slashing the fake dummies. i approached the screen and changed the settings to what i wanted. i stood on the middle platform and it started.

the holographic people came at me from all angles, but i lifted my sword high in the air and slashed one, then turned around and moved it swiftly across another one.

i turned and twisted, carefully handling the sword as i defeated all of the bodies. i felt proud of myself once i finished. i felt like a true natural.

i looked up and to my surprise, a few tributes were against the glass watching me. i stopped in my tracks as i stepped off the platform and stared at them. they started to clap and cheer for me. i scanned their faces and found finnick odair, only smirking and giving me a respectful nod. i gave him one in response and went to exit the room. finnick stopped me before i put the sword back.

"why don't we do a little.. one on one," he recommended, motioning between me and him.

i thought for a moment, nothing bad was going to happen so why not.

"let's see what you've got."

finnick grabbed another sword off the rack and we went back to the room. we stepped on the platform, a few feet apart. we turned to each other and help up our swords.

without warning, he said, "go," and charged at me.

i quickly slammed my sword against his, stopping him from shoving me to the ground. he lifted his sword away and clanged it back against mine, and thats when the real battle started. the sound of the metal blades slicing and banging against one another filled the room. i spun around as finnick and i continued to sword fight. i went for a low "hit" but he quickly shut it down.

as we fought for another 30 seconds, his sword ended up at my torso, in a stabbing position. but to his surprise, mine was at his neck. it was a draw. finnick and i both lowered our swords and backed away from each other.

"nice skills davis," finnick admitted.

"you as well odair."

we held eye contact and he bit his lip as he grinned. i exhaled a deep breath and broke eye contact, hopping off the platform. finnick followed behind me as we placed our swords back on the rack.

"you know how to tie knots?" he asked, turning to me.

"if shoe laces count, then yes," i turned to him.

ha laughed dryly, "then come here."

finnick walked over to another area with ropes dangling all around as i followed him. he yanked a rope off and held it out in front of him as i stood next to him.

"let me show you the best knot you can make in the arena," he said, looking down at the rope and starting to tie it a certain way.

i stared at him as he glanced up at me, "don't look at me, look at the knot," he chuckled.

my cheeks flushed a slight pink color in embarrassment as i looked down at the rope. he finished the knot and put it over his head and loosely around his neck.

he handed the rope to me, "you wanna uh, take me for a little walk."

i giggled and rolled my eyes.

A/N no one is reading this! 😭 im praying for at least 1 read by the end of the week

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