Underestimating Maomao? Bad idea!

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It was a fairly calm afternoon at Jinshi's residence. The sky outside was covered with thick gray clouds threatening to release raindrops any minute and a considerably cold wind was blowing into the noble’s office until Maomao headed to the window and closed it, adding a bit more coal into the brazier on her way back.

She was cleaning the room, as usual, wiping the dust away with a rag. Though, she wasn't alone: that day, Jinshi had important paperwork to do and was sitting at his desk right now, concentrating on the document in front of him.

The two of them carried out their respective tasks in silence, without saying a word, the only sound being the occasional sighs coming from Jinshi. Honestly, Maomao preferred it that way, for she wasn’t a big talker anyway and also didn't know what to talk about with him in the first place.

When every little speck of dust was gone, she stopped for a moment, contemplated her work, and, being satisfied with it, placed every object she had moved away in order to reach every corner back on its spot. There, done! Having picked up her cleaning supplies, she was about to leave. However, didn't get very far…

The moment she opened the door, she was held back by Jinshi's voice.


Maomao turned around to the desk, and saw her employer looking at her.

“Yes, sir? Do you need something?”

Jinshi reached under the table and produced a pretty large gourd, presenting it to her. From the way he was holding it, it had to be full. He wore his typical nymph-like smile on his lips.

“I have gotten this liqueur today and would like to have a cup of it before going to bed. But it needs to be tested for poison first. So what do you say?”

“Why bother asking?” she thought. “He knows exactly that I am in no position to say no.”

But then, realization sank in, and her eyes started to shine. Alcohol! He wanted her to taste alcohol! She would finally be able to have some after such a long time! Oh, what joy! Hopefully, it was a dry one, like she preferred. (Or even better: actually have some poison in it. That would be a dream!)

“Very well, Master Jinshi!”

She had to control the corners of her mouth, in order to not smile openly at him.

“Alright, then I’ll see you later in my chambers.”


Some time after the evening meal, Maomao appeared in front of Jinshi's chambers, being in a pretty good mood and already anticipating the warm, burning feeling the liquid would leave in her throat. Although she just had been summoned to test the liquor, not to actually drink it. But this was still better than nothing.

Jinshi was changing clothes with Suiren’s help and turned around as he heard Maomao enter, sending Suiren away. Maomao frowned a bit at that, but said nothing.

The gourd was already standing on the table, together with two cups and some snacks.

Jinshi took a seat and invited Maomao with a movement of his hand to sit down as well. She did as told, noticing that he was more cheerful than usual. That couldn't mean anything good. He must have planned something.

And her gut feeling didn't betray her this time, either, for Jinshi poured her the alcohol himself and then looked at her expectantly and with a grin on his lips. To her surprise, he didn't pour in just a little, but filled her cup to the top.

She brought it to her nose and sniffed it, all while suspiciously eyeing the young man, as if he were a crushed cockroach. Her look said more than a thousand words. 

And Jinshi seemed to understand the thoughts behind them, since his grin vanished.

“No, I did NOT put anything in there on purpose!” he exclaimed, offended. “Who do you take me for?!” 

Then he averted his gaze, pouting like a little boy.

 “It’s just that I was told that it’s supposed to be quite potent stuff,” he finally deigned to explain. “And I know you like alcohol and got curious how you would handle it. Despite being more robust than you look… surely not better than me.”

Ah, so this was it, then. Realizing that there really wasn’t any unusual smell, Maomao relaxed again and put on her usual expression.

“Master Jinshi?”

He faced her again and discovered a little smirk on her lips, which left him both bewildered and slightly uneasy.


“This was a big mistake.”

So, he had gotten curious, huh? Decided to experiment a little and test her endurance, yes? Well, Maomao would make him regret it.

Maybe he was starting to do it already, since she saw him gulp upon hearing her words.

After having tasted a small amount and declared that it was safe to drink (she still couldn't forget her poison tester duties, after all), she took the first big sip, seeing him do the same.

The bets were placed, and the drinking began.


Some time later, the gourd was already more than half empty. 

Maomao was sipping from her cup as nonchalantly as if she was just drinking tea. Only the slight blush on her face revealed that she was, indeed, consuming alcohol right now. Jinshi had been told right: it was a pretty strong one, not sweet at all and burning the throat. Exactly how Maomao liked it. She was absolutely pleased and enjoying it to the fullest.

And Jinshi? Well, not so much: he was beet-red by now, obviously drunk and struggling to sit upright. He seemed to have realized that he had lost by now, but was still drinking his fourth cup, just in very little sips.

While Maomao finished her fifth cup and calmly, without batting an eye, poured herself a sixth one.

“Goodness! Are you a bottomless pit?!” he wheezed, staring incredulously at that petite, frail-looking woman.

Maomao gave him a brief glance, then silently got up, grabbed a teapot filled with water that was standing beside his bed, and went over to him, placing her hand on the back of his head and helping him drink. He didn't object.

“I think you’ve had enough for today, Master Jinshi.”

And as if to emphasize that, she placed the teapot on the table and took Jinshi’s half-full cup, emptying it with one big sip.

Then she started heading towards the door. She was swaying a little while walking, but it was barely noticeable, and other than that, she looked perfectly fine.

“If you’ll excuse me, sir.”

Jinshi was now holding his head in his hands, looking dizzy and barely able to focus. 

“Huh? Where are you going?” he managed to pronounce.

She turned around to him.

“To mix an anti-hangover-remedy. I am quite sure you will need it tomorrow. I will be right back.”

And after having given him a little grin, she left the room.

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